I am pretty confident that everyone can relate to this. You see a spectacular item while shopping and "behave" by not making the purchase; oh aren't you proud of yourself? Later that night you stir and shake about the purchase you should have made. Next day (or next week) you go back to the shop to indulge only to find it is gone. Sad story, happens to all of us.
Last year I had one of those moments while shopping at the Denim Bar in Washington, DC. I was trying on a pair of Sass & Bide jeans and needed a top so I threw on a very fashionable and interesting hoodie. Both looked great, but at the time I couldn't rationalize $220 jeans and a $225 hoodie. Silly me. That was the best hoodie I had ever put on my body.
">https://www.shopkitsonboutique.com//cache/27537.jpg','LargeImage','215','270','no')"> ">https://www.shopkitsonboutique.com//cache/27538.jpg','LargeImage','215','270','no')">
">https://www.shopkitsonboutique.com//cache/27539.jpg','LargeImage','215','270','no')"> ">https://www.shopkitsonboutique.com//cache/27540.jpg','LargeImage','215','270','no')">
I searched high and low to find this magical hoodie only to come up with nothing. Fast forward a whole year and this magical garment has reappeared. The designer is Lauren Moshiand she designs gorgeous hand crafted clothing that are made in the USA.
Check them out if you want a totally unique (no two designs are exactly the same) and comfortable piece of clothing. Lauren's line includes hoodies, tanks, leggings, tees, and more.
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