Some of you may have noticed that there's a new editor in town. Abi Silvester has recently joined the Shiny Media staff and is now the full time editor of Hippyshopper. Camilla Chafer, editor of Bridalwave and regular writer on Shiny Shiny, has also joined the Hippyshopper team, along with some other lovely new contributers. Abi used to work over on magazine Alt.Wear, but now she spends her days searching out green stories, eying up green products and drinking copious cups of tea. You can find out more about her by reading this Q&A she filled in for us.
Name: Abigail Silvester
Aliases: Abi, Absinthecity, or sometimes even 'the Green Fairy'
Shiny Job:** Editor of Hippyshopper">”">Hippyshopper
and writer for various Shiny sites.
**Hometown: **London
How green is your home?** Not nearly as green as I'd like it to be as it's old and badly insulated, but I'm making improvements, with the help of energy saving gadgets and lifestyle changes like beating housemates into submission over heating usage...
Best green habits: I've been a strict veggie since the age of 7, I walk everywhere I can, I make a habit of switching stuff off, and I'm the house recycling Nazi.
Guiltiest habits:** Long, hot bubble baths...*sigh*.
I'll give them up when I can afford to install a decent shower!
**Five favourite web 2.0 sites (besides shiny ones): **
Eat">”">Eat the Seasons
Post">”">Post Secret
The">”">The Hunger Site
Last">”">Last FM
Favourite Green Hangouts
I adore Food">”">Food for Thought in Covent Garden, a traditional veggie haven serving up a different dish each day. It's the only place I'm prepared to queue for! I'm also a regular at Luscious">”">Luscious Organic on High Street Ken.
**Last 3 gigs you went to: **
Depeche Mode, XPQ21">”">XPQ21 (it's a goth thing) and Idiot">”">Idiot Son. I'm a real genre-hopper.
**Last 3 books you bought: **
The Green">”">Green & Black's chocolate cook book (not for me, but for a damn good cook I visit from time to time!)
The first book in the Transmetropolitan">”">Transmetropolitan series and Hospital">”">Hospital by Toby Litt.
**Last 3 DVDs you bought: **
Al Gore's 'An">”">'An Inconvenient Truth'
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