No, I haven't been swallowed up by the massive NY rain, or hit by lightening. Just a case of shooting, meetings, and of course, the most important thing, my internet being down. Or shall I say, gone. Yep. No more internet access. While I can get on late at night on my cell phone, I learned the hard way last month that a $700 cell phone bill does not make a girl happy. And since I already pay for internet at my LA address, which of course does not offer in NY, and no NY phone, (none needed, why when I only use my cell?) dial up is not an option, not that I would want it and the high prices for dsl in NY (in LA I pay $12 per month.... ), it just doesn't make sense for me to sign a 1-2 year contract. So what's a 'live on the internet' girl to do? In the meantime, I'm waiting for Google or Yahoo to hurry up and get their highly rumored and anticipated $7 dsl service to get here.
So you think photo shoots are fun, exciting, and glamorous? Well, most of the time they are, so when super talented LA Photographer friend Nicholas Routzen comes out to NY to shoot, I'm so there. Friday we're shooting, only to get caught in the hardest pouring downfall evvveeeerrrrr. And of course, I get stuck on the subway home, sitting for 2 hours in a subway car, while they're trying to figure out how to unflood the subway tracks.
Then Saturday, we shot the beautiful Ana from New York Model Management, and I'm not kidding, this girl is a real trouper. Why? Because we shot the whole shoot in the rain. How's that for glamorous? In the freezing, cold rain. And not only that? Ana was sick. Coughing, and sick. I swear, on days like this, you couldn't pay me enough to be a model. But Ana was amazing. Not a peep out of her. No complaints, no whimpers, no harsh looks.
To all the models out there, just know that we know you're miserable and cold. But work with us, be nice to us and we'll do everything we can to make your shoot at least manageable. We'll go out of our way to throw warm blankets on you, get you coffee, have fun witty conversation with you when you're bored. And we'll tell everyone in the business about you. Because believe me, for all the complainers out there, (and I've worked with many a super model where that's all they did), just know that we really don't like you all that much. And we can't wait for the shoot to be over too, so you can go home. And we don't have to listen to you anymore. Because if you truly don't like it? Get another job.
Rumor has it that the super model era ended because no one wanted to work with the egos anymore. I don't blame them. Would you? And in this business, there's a million other amazing faces out there dying to do your job. They're just one image away from being a superstar. They're professional, on time, friendly, and happy to be there. They're like Ana.
I wish they all were like Ana. Thank you Ana, for making our day.
PS I just meet with a photographer about doing a possible beauty story for
drum roll.....................................
Harper's Bazaar... the China edition..
I'm. Still. In. Shock.
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