4 Ways to Give Your Sex Life a Boost after 50 ...


4 Ways to Give Your Sex Life a Boost after 50 ...
4 Ways to Give Your Sex Life a Boost after 50 ...

Everyone knows that 50 is the new 40, and just the start of an exciting time in your life as a couple. As you send your last kid off to college, it will dawn on you that you suddenly have the house to yourselves. Now is the time to start working on renewing the passion in your relationship.

With the responsibilities of family life putting distance between you and your spouse, it can be an exciting change once you are able to focus on being a couple and reviving your sex life. Couples that are over 50 may be worried that their flame may be permanently doused by domestic life, but there are many ways to get the fire blazing again.

Couples in their 50’s may face a few roadblocks to reigniting their passions. Pre-menopausal women may struggle with intimate dryness and men over 50 may need to find ED Medication online to help get things moving. Beyond the challenges, couples in the prime of their lives can spice things up in the bedroom by using some of these tips.

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Embrace Your Sexy

Most of us don’t look the same at 50 as we did at 25. If you are obsessed about your body insecurities, you won’t be present enough in the bedroom to really enjoy the experience. After 50, it’s time to forget about the mirrors, the possibly sagging skin, and the whisper of grey in your hair, and embrace your inner sexual tiger.

You and your partner have likely been together for many years, and now is the time to get back the passion that you once had. The kids are gone and you have the whole house to yourself, so don’t be shy. One of the best ways to embrace your sexy is to surprise your partner with something new like a new hairstyle or skimpy nightgown. Keep in mind that your partner’s love for you is more powerful than any kind of self-doubt.


Expand Your Wheelhouse

Sex with the same partner can ultimately become a bit routine and boring. After 50, you may struggle with your body not responding the way that you want it to when sexually aroused. Don’t be afraid to try newer non-traditional ways to enjoy sex with your partner. Using lubricants to ease the dryness associated with menopause or bringing in fun bedroom toys to spice things up can be a fun and enjoyable new experience for you both.

The same old sex can get a bit predictable. Now is the time to explore some of your fantasies and learn how to enjoy each other again. After many years together, there is no reason to be shy about telling your partner exactly what gets you going between the sheets. Open communication and talking about your more intimate desires can relight the flame between you and bring you closer than ever before.



No one knows and trusts you more than your spouse or partner. Good communication is the key to lighting the sexual fire after the age of 50. Many women struggle with body insecurities as they get older; and men can find it difficult to deal with erectile dysfunction issues. As you grow through you lives together, having an open dialog about all things including your sex life will help you to gain a better understanding and compassion for your partner.

Communicating your fears, worries and desires can help you get things heated up in the bedroom. Letting your partner know that regardless of issues, you still have a passion for them can help you to find more pleasure and enjoyment with each other.


Add Some Adventure

Once you reach the age of 50, you are likely pretty clear about what you like in the bedroom. With this type of sexual confidence, you and your partner should feel free to explore a bit more sexual excitement. Keep in mind, you don’t have to worry about waking the kids, but if you really get into it, you may just wake the neighbors.

Whether you want to fulfil your fantasies in public or private, now is the time to add some sexual adventure to your life. Try going on a “date”, where you meet and role play as strangers. Bringing new adventures into your romance can help to refresh your passion for each other.

Life is just beginning once you get to the age of 50. This new phase in your life will give you more freedom to rediscover your passion for your partner and explore new intimacies. If you and your partner are looking to spice up your sex life, follow these tips to help boost your sex life afer 50.

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