Sorry but we have to stop at the local garage to put oil in the car. The view from here is stunning though. This road leads to a fabulous waterfall.
Ok ready for the off now. That over there is a typical Northumberland cottage. I love it when the leaves start to turn red.
Sshh, this is is private road to one of Northumberland's most beautiful country homes. No closer though or the dogs will come out. Don't worry we'll come back this way on the return journey.
OK this is Hexham our nearest Market Town and today there's an Antiques Fair on so come on, chop chop.
These hills are a killer.
Not a bad day at the Antiques Fair, some gorgeous stuff to be had so let's head back to the cottage.
Wait, I have always wondered what's up this road. I can see lots of rooftops but it has no name. Wow it's a Private Village. Quick a couple of photos before we are seen.
Let's pull in and I'll show you Chipchase Castle, there it is peeping out of those trees. The sun's on it so it looks like a bit like a Christmas cake.
Ooh look another Private Road this one is part of the Chipchase Estate. I wouldn't mind a job there if this is the sort of house you get to live in.
Do you like really old buildings? Well take a look at this church, it was built in the 13th Century. St Mungo's is it's name. I can't believe how well preserved it is. It must be this pure Northumberland air their always talking about.
Turn around and look at the village green, wonderful isn't it? Seen enough? OK let's head back to the cottage.
Nearly there. See there it is nestled in those trees. You put the kettle on and I'll just take some pics of the booty from the Antiques Fair.
Do you like my little stash of, well, things? Only time will tell what will become of them.
Fabulous Lace and Crochet Tablecloths and a Victorian Skirt with the most wonderful panels front and back and a gorgeous pleated hem.
Just had to show a close up of that skirt.
Glad you came? You where wonderful company. Shall we do it again some time? Is that tea ready yet?
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