Gadgets for Working Remotely or on Holiday


Gadgets for Working Remotely or on Holiday
Gadgets for Working Remotely or on Holiday

Now that the jet lag from flying from London to San Francisco has subsided, I'm able to reap the benefits of the gadgets that allow me to keep in touch with the family and friends I've deserted back in the UK. These are the same gadgets that allow us to work on holiday (*collective groan*)and also work remotely or from home. These nifty little items are either a blessing or a curse, but in the long run, make our boss' lives easier.

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) Skype: This is my ultimate way to keep in touch with everyone no matter where I am. With phones like thePhillips VOIP841 DECT phone, you don't even need to have your PC on! Spending the extra money to have a local Skype phone number that transfers your calls to your mobile phone makes travelling so much easier. It also makes it easier for your friends and family (okay, okay, and work) to get a hold of you while you're on holiday, or even just away from your desk


) World Travel Adapter: If you travel a lot for your job, or your company has international offices you bounce back and forward between, this little puppy will give you peace of mind. There's nothing worse than scrounging around trying to find an adapter so you can charge your laptop before it dies and loses the spread sheet you've been working on all afternoon. (Never mind wondering if the cheap adapter you bought at Walgreens will really work, and not cause you to blow up the hotel you're staying in...)


) Belkin CushTop: This is probably one of the greatest inventions ever made. This is perfect for when you have to bust out your laptop at an inopportune time, or a bunch of 14-year-olds are taking up all the good tables at Starbucks and you have to set up shop in a dusty corner on the floor. The CushTop will not only prevent your legs from getting "laptop burn" but comes with a convenient storage pocket for your power supply and mouse


) Kensington pink Si750 wireless mouse: If I have to do some serious work (other than checking Vox or Flickr) I have to have an actual mouse. It's too difficult for me to try and work on a track pad. and the Kensington Si750 is not only the perfect color but helps the perfect cause as 10% of its proceeds go to the Breast Cancer Campaign


) WiFi Finder Plus: There's nothing like trying to make a deadline while being under the added pressure of trying to find a WiFi spot! Kensington's WiFi Finder Plus indicates the signal strength if any 802.11b or 802.11g networks that are in range, with just the push of a button. Now if only there was "Wee Finder" to help me find where the nearest toilet is...

Cate Sevilla is a freelance writer and regular contributor to Shiny blogs. She's also learning that because of the so-called "benefits" of technology, she will never be able to take a vacation -or sick day- ever again. Ever.

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