Fabulous Renee Cologne and Her New Glossy-Pop Album "Rock Roll Housewife"


Fabulous Renee Cologne and Her New Glossy-Pop Album "Rock  Roll Housewife"
Fabulous Renee Cologne and Her New Glossy-Pop Album "Rock  Roll Housewife"

Exclusive Celebrity Interview Only for Readers of All Womenā€™s Talk!
ā€œShe has a voice filled with the character and emotion of a true pop diva.ā€ - this is how the art of the singer was described by Indie Music Explosion. Today, Renee Cologne, a profound and intriguing New-York artist, presents her new album ā€œRock & Roll Housewifeā€ and opens her heart to the readers of All Womenā€™s Talk.

Renee Cologne talks about:

- background of her new album ā€œRock & Roll Housewifeā€:

ā€œI write about what occurs around me. I think there is nothing more moving, funny or poignant than everyday life. That is how the first song on the album ā€œKnow I Saidā€ came to be. I was actually buying a dryer at Sears with my partner, when I realized that recently I had gone on a rant about not wanting commitment, needing to be free, etc - and there I was buying appliances with this person. Ha!ā€

ā€œI say I donā€™t write literal songs, or stories, like country music lyrics for example, and yet, there is a kernel of truth in every lyric I write. Otherwise, how could it connect emotionally with people? But universal truths donā€™t have to be expressed in clichĆ©s. I think they can be communicated with some sense of originality, wonder and fun.ā€

ā€œWhen I was younger, in many ways I lived the life of the tortured artist, complete with torrid affairs, my own personal shrink, and my psychopharmacologist on speed dial. I went through a very dark period - ā€œOpposite Ofā€, my previous album, was the aural soundscape mirroring my inner machinations. As Iā€™ve matured, different things matter to me now. I am more aware and interested in the world around me; Iā€™m more balanced and happy. ā€œRock & Roll Housewifeā€ reflects that change.ā€


**- ā€œRock & Roll Housewifeā€ as a reflection of herself: **

ā€œWell, Iā€™m a new mom. My son is 3-months old! Now, Iā€™m lucky if I remember to get dressed before I leave the house, lucky to get my precious latte before noon, and definitely donā€™t get chunks of time to record, exercise or anything else unless my angel babysitter is here. The day is dictated by Tristan (my son). If heā€™s awake, Iā€™m totally with him. If heā€™s asleep, well then, Iā€™m in ā€œget it doneā€ mode!ā€

ā€œI AM a rock & roll housewife. The costumes and such that I love to perform in, well, letā€™s just say, I donā€™t wear those to the grocery store. I do wear my lime green platform shoes to water the lawn, but thatā€™s just because I forgot I had them on that one time and then it became a habit. The persona on the record is just an extreme version of who I am.ā€

- love for adventure:

ā€œI love to travel. But I am also a Capricorn and so an earth sign and a homebody. That dichotomy pretty much sums up a lot about who I am and what makes me tick! In another life, I might have been Karen Blixen in ā€œOut of Africaā€ and lived on a farm in Zimbabwe. Who knows? I still might.ā€

ā€œI am a bit of a control freak. I like to plan and know what is going to happen. But I also love adventure. Nothing better than bungee jumping to re-affirm oneā€™s love of life. So, the thing I love about traveling is that you canā€™t possibly plan and know what is going to happen at every moment, so you have to surrender. And itā€™s in the surrender that wonderful things happen.ā€


**- preferences in fashion: **

ā€œI love playing with patterns and textures, but not just for the sake of mismatching. Designers - love Alexander McQueen, wish he would make something for me! And Betsy Johnson always delights me. And of course, Prada. Other than that, as much as I love clothes, I HATE to shop, so I pick up what I like when I see it. And I usually buy two.ā€

**- favourite magazines: **

ā€œI like Vanity Fair, Electronic Musician and House Beautiful, but I always feel pressure when I have subscriptions because I canā€™t keep up with reading them, so they just pile up and then I feel bad for killing the trees.ā€


- keeping in shape:

ā€œYou know, itā€™s always a battle. I love to eat, especially ice cream, itā€™s my weakness. Well, one of them. But I do keep active too and eat well, mostly, so hopefully it all balances out. In terms of diet, I eat a lot of fish, chicken, vegetables, salads. I try to eat things that have been alive, as opposed to things that are processed or manmade, carnivorous of me, I know, but healthier and more natural somehow.ā€

Personal message of Renee Cologne to the readers of All Womenā€™s Talk :

ā€œDo what you love, do it with panache and grace. Be an example in the face of people who donā€™t think like you do; in other words, in the face of people who are wrong :) Truly listen to other people, even when you donā€™t want to hear what they have to say. Be humble and grateful. Do all of these things standing on one high-heeled shoe and with a sense of humour. And most of all, many thanks to all who find a kindred spirit in my music.ā€


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