Cargo PurseGloss


Cargo PurseGloss
Cargo PurseGloss

Sometimes we are so much inconvenienced by bulky stuff - bulky wallets, bulky books, and even bulky lipglosses on our bags. For a girl who loves small handbags, and wants to keep it simple, smaller things just sound so good to her. Smaller mobile phones, smaller wallets, and even smaller …lipgloss!

One of our favorite brands Cargo has recently joined the “mini” bandwagon, and after launching its 30-day glosses on medicine-like packaging, it has come up with a very cute PurseGloss! oohhh look at it, doesn’t it look adorable? One funny thought, though, it reminded me of my correcting pen I used way back in highschool. Haha!

I appreciate the fact that it is not your normal tube that product comes out and either you use your hands to apply or you swipe it on your lips. I’ve always been fond of brush-applicators, and this MiniPurse just has that feature! Ohh, goody goody!

I’m eyeing the berry shade of Beijing - it just looks so yummy, I think my lips would look ultra gorgeous with that!

One drawback? Not necessarily affordable at $16 a mini tube, but if it could give me the ease and comfort of being able to bring a small handbag, with all my other things ( boy I usually bring alot! ), it’d be all worth it!

Tata for now!

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