As bloglog became more and more popular, more and more people have heard about them and started to use their fun widgets.(Yahoo made a smart move, didn't they?) It's a great resource to meet some new friends in your same interests and fast way to find some awesome blogs. Please allow me to introduce some of our new bookmarked blogs...
Sugarfused is a blog more on the personal level but man does she take some awesome pictures! I am not going to steal any of her work so I guess you just have to head there yourself... [Sugarfused]
Brain Sugar is another one of my favorite recent find. He owns the entire sugar network which including:popsugar, teamsugar, fabsugar, yumsugar, buzzsugar, amd more... I was surprisingly find out the the owner of that "sugar Empire" is a guy... I thought for sure it's gonna be a girly girl... oh well... at least the avatar says it's a girl...
Although I've claimed here that I am a purple woman, it couldn't stop me keep an eye on other fabulous mom's life. You know, in case some day, I will be one of them. I love love BusyMom's attitudes and her articles. So cute and funny. All the little things in life that makes your life different than others... [Busy Mom]
101cookbooks is owned by Sugarlime. A blog that talking about recipes one at the time along with high quality pictures that makes you want to bid on it. You know me, I am addicted to dishes for a reason...
Seriously in love with Jennie... (no... not what you think, I am straight) Her art workand her photos studio are both shockingly good! It looks so simple but yet soooo meaningful...
That's about what we have for this week but there is more to come so... see ya next Monday, if not, sooner I hope.
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• New and Cool Blogs
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