7 Best Blogs to Motivate You ...


7 Best Blogs to Motivate You ...
7 Best Blogs to Motivate You ...

The Best Blogs to Motivate You are exactly the kinds of websites you need if you are "high in inspiration but low in motivation." If you happen to be stuck in a dead-end job or you feel that you need some change in your life, these best blogs to motivate you will be your best friends. So get ready to get out of whatever dump you're in because these best blogs to motivate you will... well, motivate you.

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Lifehack Lifehack is one of the best blogs to motivate you to do something or make an aspect or two in your life go the way you want them to. From parenting to relationships to finances to time management to technology, Lifehack is chock-full of very helpful posts.


the Happiness Project We all crave for happiness. If we are happy, we can be motivated to reach our biggest goals. But how do we achieve happiness? Gretchen Rubin's blog is there to help. She has written a book, also called The Happiness Project. It is her "account of the year she spent test-driving studies and theories about how to be happier." You can grab yourself a copy now but make sure that you visit her website often, too. It is most definitely one of the best blogs to motivate you today.


Pick the Brain Whether you need help in managing your finances or you feel that you no longer feel enthusiastic about what you do, Pick the Brain is the blog to set you on the right track again. Written by a fantastic team, the articles on Pick the Brain are wonderful guides to live a better life.


Zen Habits Zen Habits is most definitely one of the best blogs to motivate you today. There are many things to love about Zen Habits. One is that it is not written in a very academic way that you are turned off from the idea of making your life better. Another is that the posts touch aspects of life that you can easily relate with, therefore control or manage easily. The tagline "smile, breathe & go slowly" hits the spot, too.


Marc and Angel Hack Life Who are Marc and Angel? They are two inspiring people who aim to share "practical thoughts on a broad range of topics pertaining to life, hacks, productivity, aspirations, health, work, tech and general self improvement." Theirs is one of the best blogs to motivate you today because it is a corner of the world wide web that will make you feel driven to be a better person; it will inspire, push, and make you feel appreciated.


As the blog title says, this is a website that will show you the bright side of life. Or turn your dark side into something a little less negative. From practical matters to achieving success to becoming happier and healthier, The Positivity Blog is there to motivate you.


Dumb Little Man This blog provides "a handful of tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane." And if, like me, you need help in those departments, this blog is definitely for you. This blog has been around for a while so if you're a first-time visitor, check out their most popular posts first. You'll become a fan after reading them, for sure.

Go ahead and bookmark these best blogs to motivate you. Before long, you will find yourself in control of your finances and closer to your goals. IF you follow the tips on these best blogs to motivate you, of course.

So tell me, which of these best blogs to motivate you is your favorite?

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