'AV' Defined Day 107 ...


**Reading a post on Kiss & Blog yesterday -- in which the subject of a 50-year-old woman virgin came up -- got me thinking...Sure I touched upon what I consider to be a so-called 'accidental virgin' (AV) when I started this blog, but aside from calling myself one I haven't really defined what I consider that to be.

So here goes (eat your heart out Webster Dictionary).

accidental virgin:

an attractive (or at least not a hideous) person, male or female, in their mid-twenties or thirties who remains celibate not by a conscious religious, political or social choice. This person will not lose it just for the sake of losing it in one-night stand; typically a successful member of Gen-X or Y who thought it would happen over the years, but it never did; a person whose first need not be the LOVE of his/her life, but someone he/she respects.
I know this doesn't apply to most of you reading this, but as others have emailed me, this strikes a chord with some.

Not sure if this applies to you?

Well it's a good thing I made up this, uh, very scientifically sound quiz to help you out then isn't it? **

**1. Are you a virgin? **




Do You Approve of Premarital Sex?




Do You Consider Yourself Attractive?... do Others?





**4. Are you a hopeless romantic? **



You Don’t Want to ‘lose It’ in a One Night Stand?


You’re Successful in Most Areas, except when It Comes to Dating and Love?



**7. Your first doesn’t have to be the LOVE of your life, but can’t just be anyone? **
**8. Do you enjoy 80s music?









**9. Do you bathe regularly?












**What your answers mean: **

· If the majority of your answers were yes, you're somewhat accidental, but there are some personal factors playing into why your hymen -- yes I said hymen -- remains intact. (Unless you're a dude, in which case that wouldn't make any sense, but you get my drift...)

**· If the majority of your answers are no, well, um, it's no accident. **

· If you answered 'yes' to question 8…you rock! I love me some corny ‘80s tunes.

· If you answered 'no' to number 9…your virginity is no mistake. Take a bath, you stink...

· If you answered 'yes' to questions 1-7 then indeed you're an AV. Welcome to my world.

So now you know ;-)**

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