7 Annoying Habits to Quit in 2011 ...


7 Annoying Habits to Quit in 2011 ...
7 Annoying Habits to Quit in 2011 ...

It’s a new year and what better time than now to quit all those annoying habits you hate yourself for having. Instead of all the usual new resolutions about starting something like going on a diet or meeting old friends, why not try giving up something. Here are 7 annoying habits you can give up in 2011.

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Watching Annoying Reality TV Shows

Reality TV has taken American women by storm and every time we turn on the TV there’s a new idiotic version for us to get addicted to. What is it about real people and their not so real lives that captivate us? Whatever the reason, its time to quite being a reality TV addict and start watching the news or something. Let’s spare our men the torture.


Gossiping with the Girlfriends

No matter how much we try to deny it, women really love to gossip. We like to talk about who’s doing what, where and with whom. We like to add a little comment here and there to spice it up and swear that we hold no judgment. The fact is that there is so much more to talk about, topics that won’t leave us feeling so lousy by the end, so lets try to quit the gossiping.

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Nagging the Husband

Let’s face it, no matter how much you want him to change, your husband is probably going to hang on to all those annoying habits you hate. So stop nagging him incessantly to put away his socks and clean up after himself. If you really want him to pull his weight, try some other innovative techniques involving subtle manipulation and threats.


Spending All Day on Social Networking Sites

Somehow we all find ourselves spending 4 to 5 hours a day browsing Facebook and other social networking sites, chatting with people we don’t really want to talk to and suddenly finding our day has run away from us. Enough with the social media! You don’t need to look through all the photos of your school friend and her dog, get back to work!


Binge Eating

Every year we wonder how we gained 10 pounds and why we can’t stay on a diet. So rather than going on a diet, try putting an end to the harmful activity that got you there in the first place. Binge eating, during the holidays or at a wedding, is usually the culprit.

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Reading Gossip Magazines

Do we really need to know what Jennifer Anniston said to Angelina Jolie when they ran into each other in the toilet? Does it really matter if another celebrity couple is breaking up? We don’t really need all the details so lets stop picking up those annoying gossip magazines. Most of it is false anyway.


Bunking the Gym

Whether you are slim, overweight or skinny, hitting the gym daily is essential to stay healthy and improve your lifestyle. Your body could really use physical exertion of some kind so kick the habit of bunking the gym and make a commitment to yourself to attend every day.

The New Year is all about fresh starts and while we don’t really need a reason to start something new, it’s a good enough excuse. Here’s wishing you good luck at kicking your annoying habit in 2011.

Top image source: josephliberti.files.wordpress.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#4 is my problem, but that's because I'm bored easily.

Going to the gym is great, but I seriously doubt that going everyday is essential to staying healthy. That's a little excessive.

Cant leave gossiping. BTW I think in #3 1st line it should be "..face it" rather than "...fact it".

Even though I don't do this activity of reading gossip magazines. I think it's a habit certainly everyone should get rid of. That's what you have the internet for! You know. hehe just kidding

My goal is to stop complaining as much. I don't want to be that negative person in every group.

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