7 Tips on Having Soft Skin ...


7 Tips on Having Soft Skin ...
7 Tips on Having Soft Skin ...

I’d much rather have smooth, soft skin as opposed to dry, flaky skin. Wouldn’t you? The winter weather around here really does a number on a person’s skin. The following 7 tips on having soft skin work very well in cold weather climates, so I imagine they would work just as well in warm weather regions as well. If you have any additional tips for making skin soft and supple, please add them in the comment section!


Put Baby Oil in Your Bathwater

There’s nothing like a good long soak in the tub at the end of a hard day. Soap and water are known for robbing the skin of its moisture, since they help to reduce the amount of oil in the skin. You can quickly replenish your body’s level of oil by adding in some baby oil to the bathwater.


Drink Plenty of Water

Since the human body is made up mostly of water, then a lack of this fine liquid causes skin cells to shrivel. This shriveling effect makes skin dry and itchy. Drinking lots of water, especially during heavy exercise, while working outside, and any time you find yourself sweating profusely. Coffee may have lots of water in it as well, but the caffeine found in most coffee and tea actually causes you to lose a lot of water. Make sure to drink at least 8 cups of plain water daily.


Take Your Vitamins

A good multi-vitamin will actually help protect your skin against pre-mature aging. The sun may affect your skin on the outside, but as long as you are getting the right amount of vitamins you should be able to protect your skin from the inside as well. There are supplements with Omega 3, 6, and 9 in them that are great for keeping your skin healthy looking. Healthy skin is usually very soft too.


Exfoliate at Least Once a Week

You can exfoliate your skin with a loofah or a scrub that contains bits of pumice or walnut shells. I have an apricot face scrub that has tiny pieces of walnut shells in it and it is amazing! I always have it setting on the ledge in the shower, this way I’m reminded that I need to exfoliate my skin from time to time.


Rub Vitamin E on Your Skin

Vitamin E will not only soften your skin, but it also helps to reduce the effects of the sun’s rays. It has fantastic anti-aging properties. You can purchase small bottles of vitamin E oil at most major stores. The little grocery store might even have it in the cosmetic aisle. If you don’t like the way this oil makes your skin shiny, then only apply it at night or try taking a vitamin E supplement instead.


Moisturize with Lotion after a Shower

Adding skin moisturizer right after you’ve showered will help to reduce the amount of moisture lost as your skin dries. I tend to alternate between body lotion and dry body oil. My favorite type is sesame oil. It smells so good! It’s not the kind of oil you use for cooking, but you can find this type of sesame oil in the cosmetic section.


Avoid Excessive Sun Exposure

Wear sunscreen when heading out to play in the sunshine. I’m an avid gardener once the frost subsides and the ground begins to thaw a bit. I also live in a region with very few cloudy days, so the sun always seems to be beating down on me. I found a waterproof, spray-on formula of sunblock that is rated SPF 85. I use in myself and on my cat’s white ears. So far, neither of us has gotten sunburned when wearing this intense sunblock. Besides sunblock, you can also wear light clothing that covers your skin completely and a wide-brimmed hat.

I hope you find these 7 tips on having soft skin useful. Maybe you’ll find a new item you’d like to add to your current skin care regimen. What ways do you care for your skin to keep it feeling soft? Do you find that it’s something you have to work hard at?

Top Photo Credit: nataliescot

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Having fish actually helps.But I know there are vegeterians, vegans and all.

I have such a hard time in the winter with my hands. Than again I don't take vitamins I should be trying. Thanks for the tips I'll have to look into a couple of these pointers.

Great skin tips! I'm going to write them up and post it in my bathroom to follow this year. I'm excited to try sesame oil! I've never heard of that before. Side question though...what's the best natural moisturizer? I have really dry skin but I get really nervous about chemicals.

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