7 Easy Ways to Say "I Forgive" ...


7 Easy Ways to Say "I Forgive" ...
7 Easy Ways to Say "I Forgive" ...

Forgiveness is one of those concepts that’s incredibly easy to talk about but much harder to do. Picture this: someone’s just cut you off in traffic, causing your coffee to spill all over your freshly pressed shirt. One moment you’re soaring through your day, and the next, BOOM! You're an erupting volcano of rage. That's when the idea of forgiveness feels as far off as the idea of walking on Mars. But, having been in that very situation more times than I'd like to admit, I can tell you that learning easy ways to say “I forgive” can genuinely save your sanity in 2024.

Just like brushing your teeth, practicing forgiveness is a healthy habit that can make a huge difference in your mental well-being. And, believe it or not, it's also crucial for relationship building, whether it’s with friends, family, or that reckless driver who seems to think they own the road. To get through life without spending half your days grumbling, we need to get a handle on this importance of saying ‘I forgive’ stuff.

When I first tried practicing forgiveness, I imagined myself as a Zen master, living in complete harmony with the world. Spoiler alert: that didn’t happen. Instead, I found myself muttering under my breath and going through the motions without really understanding the power of the words. However, over time, learning to sincerely forgive - even when it felt like pulling teeth - became one of the best things I did for my mental health and my relationships.

Here’s the deal: forgiving someone doesn’t mean you’re condoning their actions. Nor does it mean you have to keep them in your life. Think of it more like taking out the trash; you’re getting rid of the emotional garbage that's cluttering up your peace of mind. This is especially useful when dealing with small yet irritating offenses that have a knack for piling up faster than dirty laundry on a college student's floor.

In this article, we're going to dive into some truly savvy ways to say “I forgive” – from using modern technology to heal old wounds to how a simple hug can be more powerful than a thousand words. Let’s just say, by the end of this article, you’ll be a forgiveness rock star, ready to tackle those annoyances and grudges with grace and humor. After all, life is too short to spend it being angry, and your dryer only has so many cycles left – the less coffee stains, the better, right?

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Write a Letter

Many times, it's easier to get out everything we need and want to say when we write it down. So, grab a sheet of paper, and get to writing. Explain to this person in need of forgiveness that you were truly hurt and offended by what they done, but you have accepted their apology and forgive them. Don't forget to tell them in this letter how much you love them and are thankful they're in your life!



I have been in situations where I've offended someone and asked forgiveness. In some of these instances, I was immediately met with an "I forgive you" response, but somehow knew they really didn't mean it. On other occasions, after telling them I was sorry, I was only met with a smile, and that was enough - I knew I had been forgiven. It's not always in the words we say, but in how we conduct ourselves - a smile may be all they need to know we love and forgive them.


Send an Email

Even if it's your spouse, go to Hallmark.com and grab a free e-card. Add a personal message saying all is forgiven. Simple, right? Hoops and Yoyo is sure to make them happy!


I Forgive Gift

It's a well-known idea to get an "I'm Sorry" gift, but what about an "I forgive" gift? That'd be nice too, right? Why not really mix things up and send a bouquet with a card that says, "I forgive you, all is well"?



Nothing more simple and equally rewarding than a good kiss to say "You're forgiven" Next time your darling husband comes in looking most pitiful for hesitating when you asked him if that dress made your butt look big, grab him passionately and kiss him like crazy! Let him know that he should be thankful your butt is just the way it is, cause' boy, you sure know how to use it to get his attention!


Offer to Help

Offer to do something of service to someone who has asked for your forgiveness. When you say, "I forgive you", offer to help them with a task, or to take them out to eat to show them that all is forgiven and under the bridge.


Just Say It

That is right. As hard as it may be, especially when they have not asked for it, just tell them so. Say I forgive you, and then do. Even if they are not worthy! Why hold a grudge and ruin your attitude. Unless it is just something you CAN NOT get over, forgive and go on with your life.

Forgiving someone for things that hurt you is not easy to do sometimes. Have you thought of an easier way to say it?

Top Photo Credit: bartels

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Smile..."Its ok".

I think just saying it is the best

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