7 Amazing Smoothies You Can Make at Home ...


7 Amazing Smoothies You Can Make at Home ...
7 Amazing Smoothies You Can Make at Home ...

I hate bananas – yet, it is a ubiquitous item in many smoothie recipes. What’s a healthy female to do? We need our potassium, and the banana is one of the best sources. I found several options – and while some of these blended concoctions do contain the fruit, the additional ingredients often mask its horrible consistency and bland taste.

Here are seven of my favorite smoothies that you can make easily at home:

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Come to me, kiwi! Sure, a kiwifruit is not near as easily pealed as a banana, but creating this breakfast smoothie makes the final reward worth the energy. Use either yogurt or a soy alternative in this recipe, depending on your dairy likes or needs. And for substance (if that’s your kind of smoothie), as a user suggested, add a handful of oats.


Yes, I know – the banana! Thankfully, the coconut milk’s natural sweetness balances the taste of this tropical Pina Colada smoothie. Pineapple, apple, and oranges are all required ingredients for this fruity morning natural recharge. Add mango for an even bigger tropical punch.

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I keep on-hand a good stock of frozen berries for when I go into one of my smoothie moods. This Ginger Winter Green is perfect with blueberries, which are a well-known super food (read: antioxidant). And not only is ginger a natural digestion aid (good for any lingering nervous stomach in the morning), it is a good source of fiber, vitamins E and B6 and potassium. Who needs bananas? And no worries; you won’t taste the spinach.


Feeling a bit of post-Christmas depression? Prepare this Peppermint Delight when you need a little winter nostalgia. Made with frozen vanilla yogurt and milk, this smoothie recipe was not necessarily made with health in mind, but a good pepperminty pick-me-up, nonetheless. And sometimes health is about body AND soul.


Do not let the green color dissuade you from trying this amazing smoothie! Made with cubed honeydew, Granny Smith apple and kiwifruit, its texture and taste are so good. Also, the honeydew is a natural nutritional slam-dunk, containing a good source of potassium, vitamin C and carotenes.

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Once you try this yummy whipped smoothie, you will never taste strawberry lemonade the same way again (or ever want to make a strawberry-banana anything). This recipe includes sparkling mineral water, honey, mint leaves and lemon juice – a deliciously sweet combination, which can easily be enhanced with and benefited by (without destructing the flavor) a scoopful of protein powder.


When apricots are in season, I make this smoothie recipe a regular, repeat visitor to my stomach. Made with soy milk (I’ve substituted rice milk once, which turned out alright) and an orange juice concentrate base, the addition of toasted wheat germ and nuts proved the ever-present banana to be, well… fruitless (read: I left it out).

GOODBYE, bananas! I hardly loved thee. And thanks to these recipes, I never have to wince in gross satisfaction over your daily-required supplements. It’s most definitely a texture thing. Will you try any of these amazing smoothies at home?

Top Photo Credit: Smallbrainfield

Feedback Junction

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oooo love love love kiwi!

Excellent! I will have to give these a try. My daughters love smoothies also!

The ginger winter green smoothie was awesome, I loved it. Ginger is great in smoothies, I'd never thought of it before. Thanks!

I do smoothies a few times a week in my blendtec blender and it's a great way to get the nutrients. Thanks for the recipe links - I'm always on the lookout for new combos!

Love love love Ginger winter green smoothie

Oh good, I'm not the only one who dislikes bananas! :)

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