Have you ever wondered why half of your money seems to have disappeared by the week after pay day? Everyone has always suggested using a notebook, but I always forget to record what I’m buying or paying, so instead, I’ve been quizzing my friends on where their money goes. We had some shocking results, and here are the six reasons your money just disappears...
Snapshot Survey
1. Friends and Family
Photo Credit: JennKstep
So your brother needs a fiver, and could you pay for your best friend's lunch? Bailing out friends and family could be taking up a surprising amount of your salary... a friend of mine totalled up her "only a little amount" lends to friends and family, and found she’d given away $2,400 in the last four months...
2. Impulse Buys
Photo Credit: Gueоrgui
So you don’t like jam, but it’s half price! And you really don’t need another camera, but the offer is so good.... impulse buys could cost you a fortune, so make sure that you need what you are buying. If you aren’t sure, leave it, and see if you regret not buying it. If you don’t, you’ve just saved the money!
3. Sweet Talking
Photo Credit: danpea
So you’ve just gone in for a look, but the salesman convinces you that your two month old phone is out of date, and you need a new broadband contract... yes, they have targets to meet, but if you didn’t set out to get it, chances are you don’t need it. Don’t let yourself be sweet talked!
4. Generosity
Photo Credit: [ r ♥ c e y t ♥ y ] {I br♥ke for bokeh}
Look at how generous you are, and how much you can actually afford to be. Is there really a reason to spend £50 on a bunch of flowers that will last as long as the £20 bunch? If you feel the need to spend money, start researching ahead of the time, so you can get the best value for money.
5. Guilt Spending
Photo Credit: Bakerella
So you couldn’t meet your friend... new shoes will make up for it. Late to see the boyfriend? Take him some chocolates. Guilt spending is unnecessary unless you actually did something wrong... the other person is much more likely to want some of your time, rather than some of your money!
6. Busy?
Photo Credit: yinG ♥ 93
If you spend so much time running between work and your friends and your social life, it can be hard to keep track of your cash. With buying lunch, tea, drinks and taxis, it can soon add up! Text a friend every time you spend money, and ask them to do the same. Suddenly your second sandwhich run is a little less tempting...
If you need a bit more motivation to work on your spending, try setting up a spreadsheet and offering yourself a treat if you manage to reduce outgoings for three months in a row. You’ll soon be feeling much more motivated! Have you got a secret on where your money disappears too? Please share it with us!
Top Photo Credit: ‘Daisy