5 Things I Wish People Wouldn't do on Facebook ...


5 Things I Wish People Wouldn't do on Facebook ...
5 Things I Wish People Wouldn't do on Facebook ...

I love Facebook. I love that it has helped me reconnect with old friends. I love that it has a good amount of farming games (I seem to be drawn to those). My contact list is comprised of people I actually know; I don't go around adding strangers up. But some of these people do things on Facebook that simply annoy me. Call me too old for social networking but these are things I wish people wouldn't do on Facebook:

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Click on Links That Are Obviously Spam

Click on Links That Are Obviously Spam Photo Credit: Shereen M

There is no such thing as a free lunch. On Facebook, there is no such thing as a free iPad (or Macbook or any cool gadget you can think of). These are scams; apps or links that either contain malware or are meant to gather important information from your computer. I wish people would know not to click on those "OMG, This Girl Went Ballistic When Her Father Posted blah blah blah" videos, too. This is one of the things I wish people wouldn't do on Facebook because it affects security. They should know better.


Post Gory Photos

I don't know about you but some people think it's fun to post photos of actual surgical operations, murder scenes, or people that have been hit by vehicles on their wall. I have hidden several friends from my wall for doing this. I'm not easily disgusted but unless that gory photo is followed by Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth bickering, I do not want that on my wall.


Virtual Public Display of Affection

Virtual Public Display of Affection Photo Credit:Constantine Belias

Oh, there is always that couple... They spend their waking hours poking each other on Facebook. Early in the morning, girl says to boy: "Hi, baby! Time to wake up. I love you." Lunch time, boy writes on girl's wall: "Hi, babe, have your had your lunch? Hope you're having a great day. I love you!" They exchange virtual PDAs at least 10 times in a single day; they fill your wall with every little cheesy thing they can think of saying to each other. Now, I am not against public displays of affection but seriously, they should stick to SMS. No need to announce to the whole world that you're a perfect couple, geez.


Ask Others to "like" Photos

Ask Others to "like" Photos Photo Credit: MailChimp®

Now this is just ridiculous. This is one of the things that I wish people wouldn't do on Facebook because it's just downright annoying. It's pretty much asking for approval or fishing for compliments. I hate those!


Tag Me on Their Photos

If I am not in that photo, do not tag me. That is what the tag option is for. Again, this is a way for some people to ask for "likes." I have noticed that wannabe photographers are the ones who always tag me on their supposedly awesome photos. I often have to stop myself from saying "your editing made the model look like a cyborg." I take the high road and just remove the tag. *sigh* quite stressful, really.

So yes, yes, I am a bit of a killjoy. I am pretty sure though that some of you agree with me here on some points. Tell me, what things do people do on Facebook that you find annoying?

Top Photo Credit: ntr23

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Only liking my page so i like theirs .Annoying and a waste of time.I would rather have less likers who love my products and buy them ultimately

Farmville requests. Will they never end?!

how about constant change of status every single second :)

my friend excessively uses " :) " after everything she says.... also in her texts. it's very annoying.

No 1 and No 4 are trending now. Soooo irritating! Thanks for posting this anyway.

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