5 New Year's Resolutions to Keep ...


5 New Year's Resolutions to Keep ...
5 New Year's Resolutions to Keep ...

Avoid the likes of John Mayer, Jon Gosselin, and Levi Johnston. We have great articles here on how to grab a guy but make sure that you don't use our tips on catching the eyes of toxic men.

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Follow Carrie's example and keep your girl friends close. Life is definitely more colorful and bearable with them.


You are probably sick now of people telling you to go green, but really, there is no better time to do it. Mother Nature is begging.

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I know it's hard to stay nice when some people are just so annoyingly insane but kindness can take you far.


Eat Breakfast

Not only will this help you maintain or lose weight, you will also feel great the whole day.
Photo Credit: Flickr.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Ah! These are all very do-able. So yaay! Btw how awesome is the trailer for Satc 2! Can't wait *runs around excitedly*

Meream, very nice post, indeed. I personally do not set any New Year's resolutions for myself, but I always like to challenge myself.

#1 compliments #2 great (: Stay away from the bad men and keep your girls close. I love it..

Great tips for resolutions, I picked some and will try to stick by them! :)

Great ideas! Especially the first one! Stay away from those rotten men!! The only guys worth your time are the good ones!! The last one is also very good! I have eggs, toast and some sort of fruit every morning (well mostly). I started this about 2 weeks ago and have noticed that i'm in a better mood and i feel fuller when lunch comes around. And i've lost 7 pounds (:

i love the #1 rule. i think that's the number 1 on my list too. wayyyyy too much wasted times on guys that aren't worth crying over:)

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