12 Tips on How to Eat More Fiber ...


12 Tips on How to Eat More Fiber ...
12 Tips on How to Eat More Fiber ...

Our mothers, doctors, and now TV commercials are all telling us we need to make sure to eat plenty of fiber. But how can you add fiber to your diet? It may seem a little daunting, especially since we don’t all know which foods are high in fiber. But ah-ha! Here are some tips on how to get more fiber. Enjoy!

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Start with Cereal

One of the simplest ways to add fiber to your diet is by eating a bowl of whole-grain cereal for breakfast. It’s also a great way to get an energy boost to face your day.


Add a Side Salad

Instead of French fries at lunch, add a side salad with lettuce and tomato and maybe even cucumber slices. All three are fiber-rich foods!

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Switch Your Bread

Switch your bread from white to whole-grain wheat. Every time you eat toast or make a sandwich, you’ll get getting a serving of fiber!


Snack on Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruits, like apples, pears, kiwis, mangoes, and plums are high in fiber. So grab a piece of fruit for a mid-afternoon snack at school or at work, and sneak in some fiber at the same time!


Use Berries as a Topping

Use fresh strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries as a topping on a summer salad or on frozen yogurt. These sweet little berries are a tasty treat, and are also high in fiber!

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Switch Your Rice

At dinner-time, switch from white or long-grain rice to fiber-rich brown rice.


Use Beans as a Topping

Cold garbanzo beans and kidney beans make great salad toppings, and are very high in fiber. They’re also great as a snack, straight out of the fridge!


Snack on Dried Fruit

Dried fruit, like prunes, plums, figs, and apricots are very high in fiber, and make an excellent treat when you have a sweet tooth!


Switch It up!

If you’re tired of cold whole-grain cereal in the morning, try a bowl of hot oatmeal with your favorite toppings.


Aww, Nuts!

A handful of nuts and seeds (like sunflower or pumpkin seeds) makes a great snack or salad topping, and is high in fiber.


Make a Veggie Tray

The next time you need to bring a dish for a party, put together a veggies tray with fresh carrots, celery, cucumbers, and cherry or grape tomatoes. All of these crunchy veggies are high In fiber!


Take a Supplement

If you just can’t get enough fiber in your diet, there are plenty of daily or weekly supplements you can take. The most popular ones are called Metamucil and Benefiber, and are available at drug and grocery stores.

Following even a couple of these tips each week will add variety to a dull diet as well as the right amount of fiber. Or do you already have a favorite way of making sure you get all your fiber? Maybe a favorite snack? Please let me know… thank you!

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

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Hey Cherie, Thanks for the tips.. I will definitly used them. At least mixing these products would be taste ful enough!

A good way to go if you don't want to sacrifice your white carbs for the brown/whole-grain type, going halfsies and mixing it is a good compromise. My mum cooks rice half and half: half white, half brown. I also eat a half-white-half-whole-wheat bread, which keeps it from getting a heavy grainy texture and preserve all the goodness that white bread has with the benefits of the whole grain breads. Making a cold turkey switch makes it hard to stick to these types of switches. By making a compromise, you can slowly make your transition!

Nice tips. May I add that drinking aloe vera gel is also very beneficial. The fiber in aloe vera controls the absorption of glucose in the stomach, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Cherie I tried the white and brown rice thing.. And I liked it :)

Yummy.....this is my kind of food!!! I love it all!! Actually, I did not like brown rice at first, but now I like it better than white rice, especially if it's mixed with some sauteed onions....mmmm....mmmm...good.

I need to follow this list and include my eating program with more fibre. I need to add the breakfast part with a bowl of cereal!

Love the tips! I am alreayd doing a lot of that and I do notice that when I eat more fiber, I am fuller longer and tend NOT to eat poorly. After eating this way for so long, I actually prefer brown rice to white and sprouted grain bread to other kinds.

I like cereals and salads ...but that's it ...I can't go further :)

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