10 Ways to Avoid Obesity ...

Melanie Nov 19, 2009

10 Ways to Avoid Obesity ...
10 Ways to Avoid Obesity ...

As you know, obesity is the condition of being grossly overweight. This has hit many individuals of all ages, including children all over the world.

And there are many factors that can contribute to being severely overweight. And if you think you need to take some action in order to avoid obesity, you should try the following tips:

10. Be More Active

It just goes without saying that you need to be active. Simple activities, such as lifting weight, climbing stairs or walking in the park can help you out. It will not only help you burn excess fat and keep that fat off of your body, but it is also going to help you to stay active.

9. Keep a Watch on Your Weight

I know looking at your weight as you step on that scale can be frustrating for some, but this is something that you need to do at least one time each week. If you are not active and eating junk food, this will make you aware of your weight at an early stage.

8. Drink a Large Amount of Water

Drinking lots of water will help you to detoxify all of those impurities that are in your body. You should drink eight to ten glasses of water each day. I recommend a warm glass of water during the morning time with lemon. Take note that water rejuvenates and cleanses the skin as well.

7. Keep Away from Junk Food

You need to avoid junk food completely. This also includes eating at the fast food chains. Keep junk food out of your home. If you like stuff such as burgers and pizza, then set a time each month (ONE time a month) that you can do it. DON’T cheat.

6. Eat Slowly

One way to avoid obesity would be to eat slowly. This will give your food time to catch up and send the message to your brain that you are no longer hungry. You may be surprised at how much is left in your plate.

5. Don’t Eat when You Are Not Hungry

Many of us eat out of pure boredom. If you do not feel hungry, then do not put food in your mouth. Remember, we eat only to survive and if you are not hungry, there is no reason to eat. This is one of the best ways to avoid obesity.

4. Watch What You Eat

The diet you eat should be balanced with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

3. Half Your Portions

Don’t over crowd your plate with food at dinner time. Just put half of what you normally eat.

2. Go Kayaking

This can burn 352 calories. Swimming can burn 422 calories, tennis can burn 493 calories.

1. Set up the Wii Fit

The Wii Fit is a popular game on the Wii and can help you burn calories and stay fit. There are many other games on the Nintendo Wii that will get you going.

Pay attention to the anytime activities that burn calories. When you take the stairs, instead of the elevator, you could burn 563 calories. Yoga can burn 298 calories.

Well, those are the top 10 ways to avoid obesity. Can you think of any other ways to avoid this condition? What about video games on the Nintendo Wii (I’m a big gamer fan), which video game gets you up and going?

Photo Credit: flickr.com

Feedback Junction

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Lot at your comment Suburbangrandma, This post is to make us all guilty of the sins to come! I'm imagining al ready all the drink, food and wonderful desserts of Christmas :)

Yay for yoga. Yoga is the only form of exercise that I truly love. :D

Drink water if you get hungry. sometimes you are just thirsty!

Meream, It's my next target to begin Yoga :) I'm doing Aerobics at the moment and I'm imensly enjoying it! :D

Nice post Melanie. Good timing too....just before the holidays, and all the party food!!!

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