10 Things Guys Have Fun Doing ...


10 Things Guys Have Fun Doing ...
10 Things Guys Have Fun Doing ...

It seems like guys can always find some form of entertainment and the older they get, the more involved their idea of fun becomes. For instance, my teenage boys enjoy playing video games, while my husband would much rather be outside working in his wood shop. I’ve thought about all the things my house full of guys enjoy doing and have listed them below. See what you think about my list of 10 things guys have fun doing.

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Racing Cars

Guys seem to love anything to do with speed and ways to get a huge adrenaline rush. Racing cars definitely falls into both of these categories. The next best thing to racing cars is attending an actual car race.


Many men get swept up in the passion and intensity of car culture, from tinkering under the hood to discussing the specs and performance of the latest supercars. Whether it's Formula 1, NASCAR, or niche drag racing events, the thrill of observing high-speed competition and the roar of engines is exhilarating. For those who crave a more hands-on experience, track days offer the chance to put their driving skills to the test, while sim racing video games bring the excitement home. Collecting model cars or memorabilia is another way of embracing the racing world outside of the track.


Playing Sports

Most guys tend to be very sports oriented. They enjoy the rough and tumble aspect of sports. The more gruesome a sporting event is the more draw there is. American football and rugby can both be very brutal, but that’s what guys seem to crave.


Moreover, physical sports are not just about the aggression; they're a way for guys to channel their energy, build camaraderie, and test their limits. There's a thrill in the chase, the score, and the victory that ignites a competitive spirit. Whether it's a pickup basketball game, a community soccer league, or simply tossing a baseball in the park, the joy of movement and strategy is undeniable. The feeling of the wind in their hair as they sprint down the field or the satisfaction of a well-executed play is pure bliss for many men.

Frequently asked questions

Men often like hobbies such as playing sports, going fishing, working on cars, playing video games, and collecting things like stamps or model trains.

Yes, many men find cooking to be a fun and rewarding activity. They might enjoy experimenting with new recipes or grilling outdoors with friends.

Absolutely! Many guys love outdoor activities like hiking, camping, biking, or playing sports. Nature and adventure can be really exciting for them.

Guys often have fun doing social activities such as going to the movies, playing pool or darts, attending sporting events, or hanging out at a bar with friends.

Certainly! Many men enjoy creative activities like playing musical instruments, writing, drawing, or woodworking. Creating something can be very enjoyable and fulfilling.


Building Things

Constructing even the smallest objects allow guys show just how handy they can be. From building a model airplane to putting an addition on the house, creating something out of nothing makes guys feel very useful.


Fixing Things

Speaking of feeling useful, I know my husband enjoys fixing things around the house more than building something from scratch. Whether he’s repairing one of the computers, helping one of the boys fix a vehicle, or changing a non-functioning part on the toilet, he thinks fixing things around the house is actually a lot of fun.


Buying New Tools

Remember that show with Tim Allen that used to be on television? That has always been how I imagine men reacting when they start talking about buying new tools or when they tell friends about a new tool purchase that was recently made. Guys and tools seem to go together. Most of my husband’s reading material consists of magazines that are filled with tools and large machinery.


Watching Action Movies

Although I can usually talk my husband into sitting through a chick flick with me, I know he’d much rather be watching a movie filled with car chases, fight scenes, and some random gunfire.


Driving Big Machinery

This is another fun thing guys like to do where bigger is better. A riding lawn mower might be fun for some guys, but bulldozers or road grading equipment might be more exciting for other men. My husband is thrilled any time he gets to drive a forklift, backhoe, or any other type of construction equipment.


Checking out the Ladies

I know more than a handful of guys who enjoy hanging out together and ogling girls as they pass by. This isn’t only a pastime at the local mall either. It seems that wherever women are present, some guy somewhere in the crowd is making mental comments or jabbering to his friend about a woman or women that he has noticed.


While this might be seen as a harmless diversion, it's important to consider the implications of such behavior. On one hand, there's the natural appreciation for physical attractiveness, which is human nature. But there needs to be a respectful boundary. Crossing the line into objectification undermines respect and potentially contributes to a culture where women might feel unsafe or valued merely for their appearance. It's all about maintaining a balance between innocent observation and maintaining decorum that honors the personal dignity of those around you.


Rough Housing

I don’t know if this actually falls higher on the list than number 3 does, but that’s where I’m putting it! I’ve always compared my boys to puppies. When they get together with their friends, they seem to spend a lot of time romping around and wrestling on the ground. I’ve even seen older men do this from time to time. It does seem to be less exciting for middle-age guys, which I find reassuring. I don’t have to worry about my husband going by and giving me a noogie on top of the head or anything like that. However, sometimes the boys can convince him to rough house a bit with them, but this doesn’t last very long!


Anything That Gives Them an Adrenaline Rush

I thought I’d lump a number of activities into one single category, since they all have the same effect on the guy partaking in them. The adrenaline rush seems to be the ultimate form of fun for a large number of guys. Some men might need a more extreme activity than others, in order to get the rush he craves. Activities that fall into this category include riding motorcycles, skydiving, swimming with sharks, bungee jumping, and anything that has an element of speed and/or danger.

Out of this list of 10 things guys have fun doing, which one would you rank as number one? I’m sure you can think of quite a few more things guys enjoy doing, so feel free to list some!

Top image source: arcadeheroes.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

guys, sometimes like to check out other guys...... yes its a fact.

Men are such adrenaline junkies

#1 True as a man I do this

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