10 Reasons Shoes Are Better than Men ...


We like to brag about them and we love how they make us look… We feel incredibly lucky when we finally find the right one and we just can’t wait to tell our friends about it. They have to look great, stability is important too… but what really determines how long we will keep them is their size and durability. We don’t mind the little pains but if they keep on hurting us and acting stubborn we will find a replacement! Men? Nope, you know what I’m talking about… Shoes! They do have a lot in common but, let’s just focus on differences for now and see where shoes beat men by 10 points. So, I give you my 10 suggestions:

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You Can Pick the Size

You Can Pick the Size Photo Credit: aussiegall

You can try on different sizes to find the one that fits. If you, however, make a mistake, your new shoes won’t feel bad if you replace them for bigger ones. Now, if replacements are not allowed you can always give them to your sister or a best friend and feel good knowing that you’ve just made one girl very happy.


You Can Have as Many as You Want

You Can Have as Many as You Want Photo Credit: jovike

You are free to drool over the gorgeous pair you’ve just walked by without having to face the anger of the pair you are already wearing. Nobody will call you names if you have more than one pair, you won’t risk having bad reputation if people see you with new ones every day, they won’t try to kill each other and they won’t make you choose.

Frequently asked questions


No Surprises

No Surprises Photo Credit: Walt Jabsco

The chances of leaving them at home only to find them in your neighbor’s shoe closet are close to zero but even if that happens it won’t be their fault and it definitely won’t mean she’s hotter than you.


They Come with a Certificate and a Money Back Guarantee

They Come with a Certificate and a Money Back Guarantee Photo Credit: VancityAllie

With shoes, you never have to worry about getting a “wolf in sheepskin” or “seeing their true colors” because everything you need to know has already been written on the box. If they break or turn out to be worse than you have expected, you can always return them, get your money back and an apology as a bonus!


Shoes Don’t Come with a “history”

Shoes Don’t Come with a “history” Photo Credit: mugley

You are the first, the last and the only woman in their life. They don’t have exes, attachment issues, or skeletons in the closet. In fact, the only bad thing that might happen is realizing that they are not as comfortable as you thought they would be.

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Shoes Don’t Have Overprotective Mommies

Shoes Don’t Have Overprotective Mommies Photo Credit: Helga Weber

The person who made your shoes won’t try to lecture you how to wear or take care of them justifying that with hours of hard labor.


They Don’t Complain

They Don’t Complain Photo Credit: Kat...

Your favorite pair of sandals won’t feel the need to have “a serious talk with you” despite the fact that you haven’t touched them in a year or more. You can even wear the same pair every day and they won’t call you “ needy” or ask to give them “some space”.


They Are Easier to “break in”

They Are Easier to “break in” Photo Credit: Gabriela Camerotti

You can ask your mom, sister or a best friend to do this for you. You can even take them to your shoe-repair guy and ask him to put your new babies on a machine made especially for that. And, most importantly, once you finally break them in they won’t run away to another girl’s shoe closet!


They Are Reliable

They Are Reliable Photo Credit: itspaulkelly

They don’t have loser friends, they won’t embarrass you in public and they won’t change the channel in the middle of your favorite TV show. Champion’s League doesn’t mean a lot to them so you won’t have to memorize dates and times for all the big games to know whether or not you can count on them.


Finding the Perfect Match is Much Easier

Finding the Perfect Match is Much Easier Photo Credit: Helga Weber

Some shoes complete the business look perfectly, some are great for party look and some are glamorous beyond words. When it comes to shoes, finding the perfect match doesn’t necessarily mean ONE (pair, style, color) and it definitely won’t leave you heartbroken!

Ok, ok, they all have their good sides and I know not having shoes or men would make our lives boring. But, why choose when we can have both! What do you think? And do you have any other suggestions why opting for shoes and not men would be a good idea?

Top Photo Credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

Feedback Junction

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10 Reasons Shoes Are Better Than Men ... This is all so true... mylife (via Twitter)

LOL! This is so true! :)

Im a male.. but still its true tho..

LOL...........In short they will never cheat or get upset if you cheat!!!!!!!!

10 Reasons Shoes Are Better Than Men ... This is by far my favorite blog post ever. shoes men love (via Twitter)

hahaha!!!! thats awsome. it not only allows you to have whichever you want whenever you want but also its no biggie if you have tens of others watching as you select your companion for the day


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