8 Reasons You Should Spring Clean ...


8 Reasons You Should Spring Clean ...
8 Reasons You Should Spring Clean ...

Spring cleaning used to be a thing almost everybody did. These days, the youth don't even know what it is, much less how to do it. I believe it's very important to spring clean and I'll tell you why ... here are 8 reasons you should spring clean...

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Dust & Dirt Get in Crazy Places

Who would imagine that you could find a pile of dusty dirt under your bed? And yet, there it is, each and every year you spring clean. It's important to get rid of as much of this as possible, because it isn't good on your heating and air unit to circulate a lot of dust, and your filter can't catch it all. Plus, a lot of dirt is rather embarrassing, don't you think?


You Find Evidence

As nasty as those buggers are, rodents in the house don't mean that you're not a clean person. Mice aren't picky about what kind of house they choose. Some people can go a long time without even knowing they have mice in the house, and by this time, they have half-way taken over your basement or attic. During spring cleaning, you're more likely to find their evidence behind furniture, in the back of cabinets you don't use much, or under large appliances. Once you find their evidence, it's time to set the traps and get them gone!

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Find Stuff You've Forgotten

It's amazing what you'll find stuffed deep under your bed or in your closet that you've totally forgotten about during the past year! You may even find that gift you bought for little Johnny that you couldn't find in time to give him for Christmas. Spring is the time to get it all out, go through it, and get rid of the excess! Trust me! When you can look under your bed and immediately find the pair of shoes you're wanting to wear on your special date (instead of searching for a half an hour and being late,) you'll be ever so thankful!


You Get Exercise Too!

As an added bonus, you get a little more of a workout than you would with your regular housework. When you get to moving furniture and climbing up and down, you're going to burn those calories up! Why not lost a few pounds while you're losing the clutter too? Hey, Summer comes after Spring, and we all like to look good then, right?


You Make an Old Home New

There is something about Spring cleaning that makes your home look as if you just bought it and moved in! Everything is so fresh and clutter free! You actually enjoy having guests over again, because you're not having to work around the cluttered cabinets and closets for fear of being embarrassed! Yeah, I know the feeling! Been there!

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Clutter Easily Multiplies

I don't know how it does it, but it seems like overnight, your clutter has produces clutter offspring! It doubles in a matter of weeks! And this will continue until you get it out! Spring is the time to toss it all out in the yard and have a good, old-fashioned yard sale! Clutter no more!


You'll Feel Better

There is something about everything being sparkling clean that just makes you feel better! It raises the spirits of the entire household, especially Mom! She can lay back and actually enjoy the Spring and Summer months knowing that all the major cleaning has been done! How great is that?


You'll Enjoy Being Home

It's quite easy to find excuses to stay away from the house when it's cluttered and dirty. Who wants to live in a place that isn't neat and tidy? Once you've spring cleaned, though, since everything is bright and shiny, it makes being home once again a pleasure to you and your entire family. Who knows? You may even find your teenagers wanting to be home more!

There you have it! My 8 reasons to spring clean. Don't get me wrong, cleaning is not my favorite thing to do, but it's got to be done, so why not get it done right so I can enjoy the rest of my Spring time outside in the hammock! What do you think? Please share it in the comment section below!

Top Photo Credit: data.whicdn.com

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