7 Ways to Feel at Home in a New Place ...


7 Ways to Feel at Home in a New Place ...
7 Ways to Feel at Home in a New Place ...

If you’ve ever moved from one city to another, you know how disorienting it can be. It can take a long time to feel comfortable in your new place, but it doesn’t have to bring you down, and it doesn’t have to take months and months. Here are 7 ways to feel at home in a new place.

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Walk Your Dog

Walk Your Dog Photo Credit: Walter G. Arce

If you have a dog, walk him around the neighborhood. Because you’re walking a pretty puppy, neighbors will stop and talk to you, and also, because you’re walking, not driving, you’ll notice more.


Meet the Neighbors

Be bold, be brave, and introduce yourself to your neighbors. They’ve lived in the area, so they’ll know all of the local tips and tricks, from where to park (or NOT to park!), where to get the best coffee to go, and which restaurants have the best sushi.

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Find a Local Grocery or Farmer’s Market

You’re going to need to eat, right? So it’s a good idea to find the nearest quick in-and-out groceries (for late-night beer or Ben & Jerry’s runs) as well as the nearest farmer’s market and goodie-packed grocery store.


Find the Library

Find the Library Photo Credit: Drakeography

One of the anchors in any new neighborhood, for me, is the library. They usually have fee Internet access (until you can get yours hooked up), they have free access to the local paper, and it’s also a great place to scout book-loving hotties.


Bring Your Things

Until you get settled in and learn the rhythm of your new neighborhood, all those late-night house-settling squeaks and creaks are going to wake you up at night. It can be disconcerting, but you’ll feel better if you bring some things from your old home. If you’re not bringing your furniture, at least bring your favorite pillow, blanket, and some photos.

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Talk to Everyone

You’ll notice there are friendly people everywhere, and nearly all of them will want to let you know what they think of the area. Aside from talking to your neighbors, chat up the shop keepers, cashiers, and fellow dog walkers. You’ll be in the know in no time!


Facebook or Twitter It

If you’re curious about which take-out Chinese place is best, or where to get your dog groomed, ask your Facebook friends — they also love sharing their opinions. Also, lots of smaller, local businesses have their own Facebook pages, where you can get a feel for who they are.

As someone who’s moved (literally) 43 times in her life, I can tell you, these tips can really make a big difference in how quickly you feel at home in a new place. Are you a constant mover and shaker, too? What other tips can you share to feel more comfortable in a new neighborhood?

Top Photo Credit: Guoshuai

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