Why Ali's Daughter Got Fat


Why Ali's Daughter Got Fat
Why Ali's Daughter Got Fat

The once mountain-size daughter of Muhammad Ali says she ballooned to 270 pounds as a teen thanks to a vicious beating from her uncle. “He came in yelling at me as if he were my father. ‘Round one, let’s see what you can do, kid. Round two, round three.’ Every time I’d get up he’d beat me down again or hit me by my crotch,” Khaliah Ali writes in her new self-help book, “Fighting Weight.” “He pulled me up by my hair and the back of my shirt and dragged me toward the kitchen. He was going for a knife and said he was going to end it for me . . . I blacked out. When I came to, he was kicking me in the face.” Her family broke it up, and Khaliah was treated for bruised kidneys. “I felt ashamed, the way victims do, as if it’s somehow their fault,” she writes. She skyrocketed to 325 pounds before undergoing gastric surgery and losing half her weight. “I’m no longer part of the fat pack,” writes Ali, who recalls that on bad days, “I’d eat a thousand calories worth of food and try to fool myself by washing it down with Diet Coke . . . I couldn’t be naked with anybody, couldn’t wear a backless dress.”

(Via nypost.com)

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