Wedding Podcast
The Wedding of Your Dreams
Husband - and- wife psychology team Dr. Judith Sherven Ph.D. and Dr. James Sniechowski Ph.D. redefine the future of weddings with their new book, "The Smart Couples Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams:" Planning together for Less Stress and More Joy (New World Library). From now on brides and grooms will reconize the life-long benefits of being co-partners every step along the way.
**Two of America's most respected and sought after relationship authorities, Judith & Jim have taken relationships into a new dimension -- both in dating and marriage. **
**As the best-selling authors of "Be Loved for Who You Really Are"(St. Martin's Press 2003) which followed "The New Intimacy" (Health Communications, Inc.1997) and "Opening to Love 365 Days a Year" (Health Communications, Inc. 2000), their new vision of how successful relationships are created and maintained has changed the lives of countless men and women nationally and internationally. **
**A clinical psychologist, Judith worked in private practice for twenty-two years. Jim holds a doctorate in Human Behavior and co-founded the Men's Health Network in Washington, D.C. **
**They have been guest experts on over 1300 television and talk-radio shows including Oprah, The View, 48 Hours, Canada AM, The Daily Buzz, ****The O'Reilly Factor, MSNBC, and CNN. They've been interviewed for ****and published by hundreds of newspapers and magazines including ****the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, O, Cosmopolitan, ****Bride, Bridal Guide, Men's Health, Family Circle, Redbook, Glamour, Playboy, Woman's Day, Parents' Magazine, and they are columnists for ****Today's Black Woman and "me" magazines. **
In this show Dr. Judith Sherven Ph.D. and Dr. James Sniechowski Ph.D. discuss their best selling book "The Smart Couples Guide to the Wedding of Your Dreams."They talk about how tradition is now being broken with a new generation, and that more and more grooms are getting actively involved in the wedding planning process. They also discuss how planning your wedding together creates less stress and tension, and that planning your together as a couple, sets the foundation for your future marriage. You'll see how many old style traditions are now changing for the better. You may visit Dr. Judith and Dr. James website at**.If you enjoyed this show and found it to be helpful tell a friend! We would love to hear your feedback, comments and suggestions. You may drop us a line at **
The Wedding Planning Audiocast is looking for couples who would like to be a guest on our show. We are in search of couples who are currently in their wedding planning stages We would like for you to share with our listeners what you are currently experiencing. If interested you may contact us at (973) 844-1235 or you may email us at
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