Urban Beekeeping


Urban Beekeeping
Urban Beekeeping

Beekeeping has a reputation as a rural pastime, something you can only do if you have fields and woodland to play with. In fact, according to North">https://www.beekeeping.org.uk/NL/pages/aboutus.html”">North London Beekeepers, urban bees can make more honey than their rural counterparts, thanks to the large variety of plants available in towns and cities - a London beekeeper can expect to collect an average honey crop of 70 plus lbs of honey, compared with about 30 lbs per hive in the country.

While the professionals do stress that you shouldn’t just rush into beekeeping it is an increasingly popular pastime, and there is plenty of help out there for those of you who are tempted by the thought of making your own honey.

If you’re interested in finding out more, the best bet is to contact your ">https://www.bbka.org.uk/members.php”"> local branch of the British Beekeeper’s Association, who can offer advice and often run courses. There are still spaces available on the London Beekeeper’s Association ">https://www.lbka.org.uk/index.php?page=Courses”"> ‘Taste of Beekeeping course in June

The BBKA also recommend Ted Hooper’s book ’Guide">https://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1899296042/bbka-21”">’Guide to Bees and Honey’ as a good starting point for learning about bees at home.

Related: Pollinating">https://www.hippyshopper.com/2007/04/pollinating_bee.html”">Pollinating Bee Log from Natural Collection | News">https://www.hippyshopper.com/2007/01/news_roundup_oi.html”">News: Decline in haymaking bad news for the bumble bee

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