British authorities are threatening to take a severely overweight boy into protective custody unless his mother improves his diet. The eight year old currently weighs 218 pounds. Extreme measures for a government to take, no? But the child is slowly killing himself with food, and is at risk for several severe diseases including diabetes and heart disease–by his twenties.
Two boys, aged 11 and 12, are in custody, and stand accused of sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl. Two other boys, ages 6 and 7, were present as well. The older boys “are being held in Sacramento County Juvenile Hall on suspicion of sexual assault of a child, false imprisonment and conspiracy“. Why were these children left unchaperoned? It’s a dangerous age, and the honor and well-being of both girls and boys should be protected.
Go to circus. See clowns. See clowns die. No. Seriously. How’s that for a little family entertainment? (thanks, Madame Meow, for the link!)
And now, something I hope will bring back the wonder of childhood. This video made me cry. I wish I could have done something like this. Shoot, I wish I’d been there for the filming. Special thanks to my dearest Jedi Knight friend Robiewankenobie for pointing it out to us.
bravia, british authorities, color like no other, Culture, custody of overweight boy, government, Mothering, obesity, sexual assault
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