Today Paris is spending her first full day in jail, after turning herself in last night to be processed. I wonder if it is a full day of settling in and learning the ropes type of activities, or does Paris have time alone spent being reflective or more likely feeling scared. What good could come from this? To be positive one would think some maturity, self awareness/reflection, or even substance abuse help. More likely Paris will still see herself as a victim with a “why me” attitude and leave this time of incarceration with no inner growth at all.
For a person who craves publicity, who thrives on it and is seen by the general populous as her sole reason for existence, this whole experience certainly will provide much publicity even if it is not exactly prime publicity. But a savvy celebrity whose life is so much in the public eye can twist any situation around and in the end come out looking like a winner. Paris has many fans, many people who crave any news and information about her. People will support her no matter what and some will love and adore her even more.
So here is to Paris’s first day locked up, and with good behavior only 22 more to serve!
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