Oh My Gosh - Hairspray Was the Best

popbytes Jun 16, 2007

Oh My Gosh - Hairspray Was the Best
Oh My Gosh - Hairspray Was the Best

good evening! i just walked back in the door from an advanced screening of **hairspray** - and oh my word - i LOVED it! (along with the free popcorn!) i knew i would probably like it but not as much as i actually did! it's one of the best feel good movies ever - i smiled the ENTIRE time - all 107 minutes! from the very start i fell in love with eighteen year old nikki blonsky who plays 'tracy turnblad' - nikki was plucked from long island (where popbytes hails from originally - this month marks my 6th year living in los angeles) after auditioning amongst thousands for the part! this is her first movie and she was amazing - i can't say enough about ms. blonsky - they found a true star with their discovery!

of course i'm a huge fan of the original john waters 1988 cult classic film (who does make a cameo appearance in the beginning of the film) which stars ricki lake as tracy (she too shows up for a cameo) but i've never the seen the tony award-winning musical version - gosh i'd love to see it now! the film didn't let up - every minute was packed with laughs and toe tapping tunes - besides the message of overall acceptance of all people...different colors, shapes and sizes! the rest of the cast was great too! at first i couldn't stand john travolta as tracy's mom 'edna turnblad' (in a role originated by divine - rest his soul!) but i must say by the end i thought mr. travolta did a great job! (i really could care less about the recent controversy - it's a movie people...get over it!)

i also adored seeing michelle pfeiffer back up on the silver screen as 'velma von tussle' - she plays the villian and was totally perfect in the role! then there was queen latifah as 'motormouth maybelle' - she's always awesome and really shined with her warmth and incredible voice! after tonight popbytes has a new crush - zac efron (playing teen heart throb 'link larkin') oh he's so darn cute! i've also got to mention amanda bynes who rocked as 'penny pingleton' and hottie james marsden as 'corny collins' - plus i really can't leave out christopher walken, allison janney, jerry stiller, brittany snow, taylor parks and last but not least elijah kelley!

overall i think the movie has HUGE potential to be a summertime blockbuster - it doesn't open until july 20th - with screenings happening this far in advance - new line cinema must know they've got something good on their hands! (the overall vibe from the audience tonight was extremely receptive & positive) i can't wait to get my paws on the soundtrack for the film which releases july 10th - i've been singing 'good morning baltimore' over & over tonight! i will certainly mention **hairspray** again before its nationwide release next month! popbytes over & out for tonight - xxoo!


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