Nicole Richie - in Rehab for Two Issues

popbytes May 23, 2007

Nicole Richie - in Rehab for Two Issues
Nicole Richie - in Rehab for Two Issues

this just in direct from david perel who is the editor-in-chief of **national enquirer** and is also in charge of west coast operations for **STAR** magazine! he told me they'd be breaking something today that it was juicy - gosh he was so right! everyone has been wondering where is nicole richie (**US weekly** had her over in europe - wrong!) the poor thing has checked into rehab for not only one but two nasty issues...her scary weight loss plus an addiction to pills - not good times for ms. richie...certainly not good times for E! - they must be freaking out! don't forget the new season of the simple life kicks off soon (paris & nicole reunite and head to camp) they've got one gal in rehab & the other headed to the slammer - and i doubt either of them will want to do any press once they've resolved their current issues! below is a bit about nicole along with the very latest cover of **national enquirer** (which contains even more juicy stories!) many thanks to mr. perel for bringing this to my attention so quickly! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

PS i'm hoping nicole richie can manage to pull herself together - i do like her a lot more than her cohort paris hilton! plus i still love the little exchange we had at the four seasons hotel over in beverly hills...

an emaciated-looking nicole richie is back in rehab where she's being treated for an eating disorder and substance abuse.

in a joint newsgathering operation the national enquirer and star magazine have learned exclusively that the troubled reality tv star checked into the beau monde treatment center in corona del mar, california on may 11 to deal with anorexia and an addiction to pills.

when she arrived at the clinic, the 5-foot-2 celebutante weighed a shocking 83 pounds and was in tears that she had once again lost control of her life, says an insider.

"nicole's been a mess for months," said another source. "her weight has plummeted."

insiders say nicole spent her first few days "detoxing" at the posh residential rehab, and then began treatment on an out-patient basis.

on the morning of may 19, the national enquirer and star observed nicole entering beau monde with an overnight bag.

she pulled up in her mercedes g wagon at about 10 am

more details are in the new issues of the national enquirer and star magazine.

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