This is the second time this year that 20-year-old Lindsay Lohan has been in a treatment facility. Her first stay, at the Wonderland Center in West Hollywood, started on Jan. 17.
At the time Lohan issued a statement saying: "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health."
This time, her decision to enter a program comes in the wake of receiving a DUI after a car accident in Los Angeles. On Saturday morning around 5:30 a.m., Lohan crashed her 2005 Mercedes SL-65 convertible into a curb and shrub on Sunset Boulevard. Lohan, who had left the scene by the time police arrived, was hospitalized for minor injuries. Two passengers were not hurt
Police said in a press conference Saturday afternoon that they recovered a substance tentatively identified as "a usable amount of cocaine" in connection with the accident. However, authorities refused to specify where the drugs were found.
Rather than keep a low-profile after the accident, on Sunday Lohan attended a Memorial Day pool party for 944 magazine at Hollywood's Roosevelt Hotel. Early the next morning, photo agency X17 snapped pictures of the Mean Girls star apparently asleep or passed out in the passenger seat of a friend's car.
One source close to Lohan told PEOPLE over the weekend that friends were hoping she would again seek treatment. "I think she'll have to do a real rehab this time, and not just a Hollywood rehab."
The first time she went to rehab, Lohan stayed at the facility for one month
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