Is Angelina Too Close to Her Bodyguard??


Is Angelina Too Close to Her Bodyguard??
Is Angelina Too Close to Her Bodyguard??

good morning! below is the latest cover of **STAR** magazine which continues to harp on my angelina jolie - i so appreciate a juicy rumor but this is complete madness (combined with an unflattering picture of ms. jolie) although i'm curious to see what the article claims inside - i doubt she'd have anything to do with her bodyguard - especially if she's sleeping with one of the sexiest guys on the planet - brad pitt! i do believe everyone likes to get their flirt on - and with a bodyguard i'd imagine you do end up becoming semi-close out of plain old circumstance - so i'd be getting my flirt on too - it's fun!

in other stories we've got britney spears' mom lynne and her supposed tell all book where she talks about britney's 'family shame' and the truth about justin timberlake - you must remember the good old days when ms. lynne had her very own corner on britney's website - gosh things have certainly changed since then! i think mom & daughter should go and see dr. phil mcgraw - maybe he can set both of them straight - i would totally like to see brit and her mom be close again! (on a quick sidenote - i'm obsessed with the track toy soldier off her new #1 album blackout - it's such a great track - take a listen here)

there's also couples news featured on the front with one twosome supposedly on the rocks - fergie & and her super hot boyfriend josh duhamel (fergie simply must figure out a way to save that relationship - once you get used to sleeping with someone like josh - i'd imagine it would be way hard to give up that kind of nookie!) as one pair might be cooling down - there's another one heating up - lance armstrong & ashley olsen which won't last long - i still think he's a big asshole for breaking sheryl crow's heart - since that's exactly what he did! that's the scoop for now - i'll check you all later! popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

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