good evening! how is everybody doing? well i was supposed to go down to the san diego zoo but someone (the backseat driver shall remain nameless) wasn't very thrilled with my driving (which was totally fine btw - i pride myself on being an excellent driver) so i decided to turn the car and head home! seriously - who needs headaches & complaints when you're trying to do something nice? i'm so over being nice (my mom will agree with me...) anyways i was able to sleep a little more when i got home - plus i saved some money & time - zoo schmoo!
moving on from dumb ass annoyances - i wanted to mention a little bit about **hairspray** which hands down was my favorite movie i saw all year (i willingly admit that i didn't see a lot of flicks this year (hence the reason i'm not doing a top ten list) but that is all about to change in 2008 with my new year's resolution to see more movies!) when i first saw hairspray in the theaters i was instantly a huge fan but when the movie came out on DVD recently - that's when i went nuts over it - i must have watched it over twenty times now - it's that much fun! of course i also adore the original 1988 flick directed by john waters but they really are quite different from each other - it's hard to compare them to each other!
i must also mention the amazing cast including newcomer nikki blonsky and hottie zac efron (who i still have a major crush on - which started the day i saw him play 'link larkin') all the supporting cast is excellent too - i'm not a huge fan of john travolta but he really did an outstanding job - by the time it's finished you completely forget that 'edna turnblatt' is actually mr. travolta in drag! then you've got the always awesome michelle pfeiffer, christopher walken, and queen latifah! it's such a feel good movie and lately i've been blue over a lot of things but once i put on hairspray - you for sure can't stop the beat! for those of you who haven't seen it yet - you must - and for those of you who have - i know you'll totally agree with me that hairspray rules! now the movie has secured the third spot in my top movies of all-time - only annie hall & pee-wee's big adventure are ahead! popbytes over & out for tonight...xxoo! (hopefully tomorrow will be a better day - i need to start worrying about myself - rather than trying to please everyone else!)
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