good morning! it's friday AND the iphone is out today but i'm still way sad over losing **studio 60 on the sunset strip**! last night was the series finale - and gosh i know a lot of people weren't into this show but it has been a staple for me this past TV season! i'm so glad that unlike some networks which we won't mention here (FOX - ok i did mention it) NBC at least had the kindness to play an entire season and didn't leave any storylines dangling - i would have loved to seen the show picked up for a second season but i felt quite satisfied with the finale - finally 'matt' & 'harry' (played by matthew perry & sarah paulson) got back together - 'jordan' (**amanda peet**) pulled through her drama at the hospital and asked 'danny' (**bradley whitford**) to officially adopt her new baby girl - and 'tom's' (**nate corddry**) brother was saved from being a hostage in khandihar - then the studio lights were dimmed as 'danny' smoked a cigar and walked off into TV history...oh my word - i even cried - i am so going to miss this show! the writing, the acting, and the pacing were perfect! (i know people will shoot me down for saying this but i loved the show!) i hope we'll see a DVD release of the first & only season of **studio 60 on the sunset strip** - it came on with a huge bang after being heavily advertised and went out quiet & respectful! was anyone else watching the show - did you catch last night's finale? what did you think? popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!
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