Goodbye My Studio 60 ...


Goodbye My Studio 60 ...
Goodbye My Studio 60 ...

good morning! it's friday AND the iphone is out today but i'm still way sad over losing **studio 60 on the sunset strip**! last night was the series finale - and gosh i know a lot of people weren't into this show but it has been a staple for me this past TV season! i'm so glad that unlike some networks which we won't mention here (FOX - ok i did mention it) NBC at least had the kindness to play an entire season and didn't leave any storylines dangling - i would have loved to seen the show picked up for a second season but i felt quite satisfied with the finale - finally 'matt' & 'harry' (played by matthew perry & sarah paulson) got back together - 'jordan' (**amanda peet**) pulled through her drama at the hospital and asked 'danny' (**bradley whitford**) to officially adopt her new baby girl - and 'tom's' (**nate corddry**) brother was saved from being a hostage in khandihar - then the studio lights were dimmed as 'danny' smoked a cigar and walked off into TV history...oh my word - i even cried - i am so going to miss this show! the writing, the acting, and the pacing were perfect! (i know people will shoot me down for saying this but i loved the show!) i hope we'll see a DVD release of the first & only season of **studio 60 on the sunset strip** - it came on with a huge bang after being heavily advertised and went out quiet & respectful! was anyone else watching the show - did you catch last night's finale? what did you think? popbytes over & out for now...xxoo!

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