Don't You Go Changin'


Don't You Go Changin'
Don't You Go Changin'

Hello Hello Hello,Join me in congratulating Miss Mika, the winner of the Oct./Nov. ACCIDENTAL DIVA trivia question! She was first to give the correct answer, which was that Billie's mom, Ms. Marie-Therese LeSeur, was from New Orleans, Louisiana. Contrary to what many of you lovelies believed, she WAS NOT from Shreveport...that's where the dance contest took place, the one where she met Billie's dad. My first trick question! So, yay to you, Miss Mika--and make sure you leave a comment with your email address, so I can contact you about sending out your prize, the Stila Product of the Month!And now, for this week's topic. I've been thinking a lot about something. At the beginning of every new season, I'm always excited about figuring out my new look. I inhale the September and October issues of all the fashion magazines, absorbing as much "right-now" hotness as I can, totally prepared to apply it to my wardrobe. But no matter what, after I do all my shopping, I end up looking precisely the way I always look. For example, I've come to understand that this fall/winter season's all about masochistically high platforms (seriously, is Balenciaga on crack?), high-waisted wide-leg trousers, boxy cropped jackets and a moment called "haute grunge." I tried girls, really I did, but my fall closet looks the way it has since I was seven--cowl-necked sweaters, slinky jeans and tailored skirts, a good trench, a shot of bohemia here and there, and tons of brown. Isn't that funny? No matter how hard you try to change, I'm inclined to believe that the style you had as a little girl is the style you have as an adult. Don't agree? Check out this pic of me at seven years old, in my FAVORITE outfit (please ignore my ashy knees...I was years from discovering Kiehls Creme de Corps body lotion). And now, dig if you will the picture of moi at Brownie's engagement party last year. Practically THE SAME Tia, no? It's almost eerie. The point is that we shouldn't fight our first insticts. I believe that as sophisticated, chic women of the world, we have the right not to wear "haute grunge" simply because Marc Jacobs believes it's a good idea. And so what if Adam thinks purses are a waste of money, I'm HELPLESS TO MY OBSESSION--I've loved bags since I was a toddler. So much so, that I began naming them at a very young age. My mom has in her possession a home video of me at thrteen, Christmas day, declaring with glee through my retainer that I'm naming my new Coach bag "Howie." Sounds a lot like me a couple of months ago, naming my new Isabella Fiore clutch "Freddie Brooks." In honor of Freddie Brooks, I've rounded up some of the most divine purse-sized products you should be carrying in your bag. Not only will these portable goodies make your life so much easier, they're absolutely darling (isn't everything cuter in miniature?). Enjoy!love,TiaTIA'S TOP FIVE PORTABLE PURSE-SIZED PRODUCTS1.)BREATHE PALETTE WATER KIT MOUTHWASH-TO-GO IN SWEET TOOTH ($7): Two weeks ago, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. And, well, I was suffering from a mild case of dragon breath. So, so gross. Thank heaven for these adorable little single-dose mouthwash packets (they're made with all-natural ingredients, so they're easier on teeth!) Each kit comes with five packets in the kookiest favorite is the Sweet Tooth kit, which includes caramel, pumpkin pudding, coffee, sweet almond, and bitter chocolate. Delish.2.)THE BODY SHOP CRANBERRY ATOMIZER ($6): Why did it take so long for this teeny-tiny perfume atomizer to be invented? Yeah, every popular fragrance line eventually comes out with a so-called "portable" travel-sized version, but they're always lunky and cumbersome. That's why this Body Shop thingie is so genius--just pour your favorite scent into the itty little spritzer, and you can take it with you everywhere. Love.3.) MARK HOOKUPS ($5 for each compartment, the connector's free): Mark's fabulous hookup is the holy grail for the girl-on-the-go: You choose from a zillion tiny, interlocking gloss, lipstick, shadow, blush, liner, and mascara options to create your own custom dual-ended makeup stick. My favorite combo is the Glow Baby Glow Luxe Lipgloss in Sugar Luxe, a minty, sheer bronze, with the Winkstick Eyecolor in Demure, an iridescent taupe shadow stick. Really, what more do you need? 4.) LANCOME PRECISE MATCH WEIGHTLESS PORTABLE POWDER ($29): This powder-in-a-brush is SUCH a good idea--a silky, super-sheer finishing powder to whip out before that big meeting, or after-work date, or lunch with your ex. All that, and it fits in the palm of your hand. Plus it has special pigments that adjust to your natural complexion, so the last two shades (Dark NW and Dark NC) manage to magically flatter ALL brown skin tones. Yay, Lancome.5.) TRUE BLUE SPA DISAPPEARING ACT INSTANT CUTICLE REMOVER ($8): I'm obsessed with pushing back my stubbornly awful cuticles. I don't know how, but hours after I've gone to work on them, they'll creep halfway up my nail bed--it's the worst. This itsy-bitsy piece of heaven totally saves the day! I don't know what's in it, but you just dab a bit onto your cuticles, wait 20 seconds, and then push them back with the special slanted applicator tip. Just the thing to whip out of your bag during mid-day work procrastination, or while you're waiting in line somewhere. [...]

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