Candy Spelling's Letter to Paris ...


Candy Spelling's Letter to Paris ...
Candy Spelling's Letter to Paris ...

Candy Spelling wrote a letter to Paris Hilton (via to offer advice on how to handle what is going on in her life. I don't get why she would send it to a gossip site and not to Paris' herself if she is so concerned. I think she just wants some good publicity.

Dear Paris,

As someone who has known you for most of your life, I pay special attention to your press coverage. (Apparently, I’m not alone, based on the responses every word about you creates on and elsewhere.)

Paris, I’m very worried about you. The last week has not only been an obvious roller-coaster for you emotionally, but your strategy went from blaming employees and stating silly excuses like, “I don’t read,” to your new lawyer’s tactic to have you sound mature and take some responsibility. In between, the paparazzi continue to follow you shopping and taking self-defense classes (to protect yourself in jail?), and some over-zealous friends staged embarrassing protests (three people?), and wasted taxpayer funds with a petition to pardon you.

People who are rich and famous are not treated like “regular” people, even though you claim to now be just like everyone else. In most situations, your privileged life works to your benefit. You have opportunities, access and resources like few others; and frankly, you can get away with more bad behavior and excuses than most people could even imagine. However, as the real possibility of jail approaches

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