Bloggers Respond to Bald Brit Madness ...


Bloggers Respond to Bald Brit Madness ...
Bloggers Respond to Bald Brit Madness ...

Britney madness has struck again just as it did back in late November blowing up blogger’s servers and creating havoc. These posts got thousands of hits today:
Britney’s Dead Hair being sold on EbayBritney goes from Bald Eagle to Bald HeadWorst Bald Head of the Day: Britney SpearsBritney goes Bald YouTube VideoBritney Exposes her Bald SpotOops! Britney does it again (this week)

I asked several celebrity bloggers to chirp in with their opinion on Britneygate II and this is what they had to say:

“The sad thing is, ‘Britney Spears shaves bald‘ captions could pay your rent in Google Ads about 4 years ago, but now it’s just another WTF in a long line of WTF’s from this girl. I’d say something nice, like I feel sorry for her or she has such a hard life, but I don’t and she doesn’t. Bless her heart.”- Fatback and Collards

“She only did it because she heard that the drapes and carpet should match.”- Uncle Scoopy

“She truly will need a miracle and Justin Timberlake to help bring SexyBack!”- Bumpshack

“Isn’t there a special shampoo for controlling lice? Shaving your entire head seems like a drastic step.”- Celebslam

“She does NOT have the ears for the “bald look”- Allie is Wired

“The bald look worked better between her thighs”- Pink Meat Company

“When you make Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton look sane you know it’s time to get help!”- Celebridiot

“I just hope that the young lady doesn’t have cancer…. other than that… I still love Ms. Britney.. Not sure what it is going to take for me to give up on her… cause I have yet to do so….”- Miz Monica

“It’s a cry for help but also a publicity stunt. She hasn’t worked in years but keeps her name in the headlines by pulling these stupid, lame stunts.”- Nosy Snoop

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