**By Mike P.**
Well' let's start by saying I have 20 hard years in the Commercial/Industrial Painting and special coatings fields and with all that I would invite anyone in the realization when it comes to antique trunk restoration. It is not a walk in the park.
Leading to the title of this article' simply so was the high quality of trunk makers of day's past in lies the difficulty in restoring these bohemian works of art and I mean just that! The better the maker the harder to restore. Louis Vuitton' Crouch & Fitzgerald, Taylor' they all require special attention to detail and standards. Any deviation in restoration stands out like a street lamp! Every LV item is carefully in line in the placement of canvas and tack. There is no mistaking the maker with them.
C&F New York, Taylor Trunks Chicago, MMsecor and others carry standards as well. The canvas on these high end American Makers was a Hemp laced heavy duty duck canvas and stripping these will dull a utility knife blade in quick time every time. I can normally strip a trunk with one blade. 15 or so may at times be required for these makers trunks. In the end it is all worth it. Having just about experienced every aspect of Professional finish applications out there' and admiration from customers and the like' I will say nothing compares to the feeling of accomplishment I gain when someone loves their beautiful trunk. Feels great.
Quality has a price and like everything else in life as we strive for better we can only hope to match the Fine Trunk Maker of day's past for sheer strength and commitment. Stop in to our link below for a dose of design and variation from the trunk world and may wellness be to all.