Allure Body Makeover


The strangest thing about living in a warm climate is that unlike the East Coast you don't get to have "fat" months. You know the time period that usually strikes Nov-Feb(ish), its cold and bulky sweaters and layers of clothes can cover that winter 5lbs that creep up. So here is the end of October and the weather is delightful- no bulky sweaters for me to hide under. AND I will turning 26 on Saturday (omg...26) Yeah maybe it doesn't sound old, but lets be realistic every year older a girls super fast metabolism has a chance of slowing down. Eeeps!! So I am making a lifestyle change. I am not a terribly unhealthy person, but I like eating out and enjoy not having to really over exert myself in the exercise department. Since moving into this crazy town where the most attractive people reside, I have put myself on a yoga regime. And have recently discovered that everything on ON DEMAND doesn't cost money, there are some mini workouts on there in many categories. I have also discovered the joys of Fit Tv. So to track my good behavior I am using's Total Body Makeover program. Not sure how long I will spend tracking every bite of food that goes into my mouth, or every bit I exercise-- but it is a good starting point to kick my butt into shape. Any readers have any pointers on how they stay in shape? [...]

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