If you have a few things around the house that you would like to get rid of, you should start an online store. Many people just take it to goodwill or some other thrift store, but they turn around and sell it for themselves. Sometimes not a good price. However, why not make money on your own through an online store. There are many different web hosters that provide free space to put your online stores or get your own domain for one. We will help you learn 8 ways to make a successful online store…
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8. Get a Domain
Photo Credit: talkindie
If you purchase a domain in your name, you get more chances of viewers from search engines. We all know when we search for products online, we search for real websites. Also, you can use php programs on your website to make a store or online auction. With a domain you also can sign up for banners and advertisements that can send the word around about your products.
7. Promoting
Photo Credit: k3n13
When it comes to promoting, it is very important to do it the right way. You don't want the wrong traffic or the wrong doing of promoting. Your website can be labeled as spam in Google if you are not careful. You should sign up with adwords or banners to promote. There are websites that help get you clicks on your website or the right people searching for your products.
6. Social Marketing
Photo Credit: Balakov
Social marketing is one of the most recent tools for advertising for products. You can use twitter or facebook now to advertise your store. When you make these profiles, they allow you to make groups for people interested in your products. The more followers on twitter the more chances of selling. You also can send your followers messages through twitter for new promotional products or coupons.
5. Article Marketing
Photo Credit: mikemindel
Article marketing is the tool for many things such as promoting, linking and getting your website known to Google. The more legit articles towards your company or online store the more it will come up in Google. Always put your link at the bottom of the article in the resource or more information tab. This depends what type of free submission site you're using. You can use Ezine, article base or others. Although, some don't allow linking.
4. Banners
Photo Credit: dsevilla
Create a banner for other websites to put on their website. If you know a few friends with websites, you can ask them if you can post your banner on their website. This can increase profits. However, make sure you put the banners on the websites that pertain to the subject of the website. Sell video games or pet products on video game websites or pet websites. This can be helpful to help you get more products sold.
3. Use PayPal and Google Checkout
Photo Credit: jeremy pettis
These two bank services can help you get more sells. People like using PayPal, because of the protection program and you can ship through PayPal. Both PayPal and Google checkout are safe and stops scammers in the process. You must have some sort of protection for yourself and your buyers. That helps the buyer think they are protected… Although, with PayPal always use tracking with shipping packages.
2. Proper Shipping Prices and Terms
Photo Credit: superdilettante
You should always tell the users about the shipping process. If you ship small items and want to use USPS, you should use first class shipping. Also, make sure it's known that tracking on the package will be sent to the buyer as soon as it gets shipped. The buyer likes to know when he is going to expect the package and where it is at all times. This also stops confusion and protects you as the sender. Many people will scam you saying they didn't get the package and they did. They can easily get their money back from PayPal protection. PayPal will ask you as the sender if there was tracking and if their isn't they will give the buyer the money back and you're without a package. Rules and terms should be a separate page and be explain correctly.
1. Coupons and Promotions
Photo Credit: Will Wong 2007
You can easily add promotions to your items or coupons. To increase sales, you can make a coupon to purchase an item and get one-half off. This works for every online store, because many people go online to get deals. To get the word around that you have coupons and promotions on your products, you can use adwords or something to advertise them on their website. You also can try article marketing. There are many techniques to get your word around. Takes an inventive mind and practice.
I hope this helped you increase your sells on your online store. You can sign up for many free stores that help you create online stores that make you good money. You can go that route or go having your own domain to get your own store install on your server. Do you think we were helpful?
Top Photo Credit: premiumjoomlatemplates