Lara Croft
Rich, adventurous, has lots of guns, looks good in shorts and kicks ass. Plus you get played by Angelina Jolie.
PS No nitpicking and saying she’s a game character, actually …
Photo Credit: den of geek
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Simon Templar, the Saint
Not that I fancy a sex change, but I’d love the Saint’s lifestyle. Suave, sophisticated and rich, the Saint gets to whizz off to all kinds of exotic locations, solving crime and righting wrongs. Has a nice line in quips, and drives a cool sports car.
Photo Credit: dailymail
Looking good in tight leather has to be even better than looking good in shorts. Also kicks ass. And you get to be played by Halle Berry.
Photo Credit: ugo
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Lulu in Pandora’s Box
I can’t say I fancy meeting a sticky end, as Lulu does, but Louise Brooks is just so enchanting in this film. That iconic bob, that luminous smile … I’m not normally one for remakes, but cross Lulu with Catwoman and you’d have one hell of a movie …
Photo Credit: kalikazoo
Wichita in Zombieland
I LOVE zombie movies, and this one is ace. All the characters blow away zombies with glee, guns, and whatever resources they can lay their hands on. Beats being a romantic heroine.
Photo Credit: movieset
Velma Kelly in Chicago
I love the 1920s. Velma has a cool haircut (rather like Louise Brooks’), wears … well not very much sometimes, sings some very sexy songs, and quite literally gets away with murder. What a gal. Much more interesting than wimpy Roxy.
Photo Credit: flixster
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James Bond
About time he became a she though. Women can run around shooting baddies, driving fast cars and wrecking Moscow just as well as any man.
Photo Credit: BaLLYoOo
Any Bond Villain
I rather fancy having hordes of henchmen, a hidden luxury lair, and an evil smirk. In fact, I’ve always thought being the baddie would be much more fun. Unlike every other Bond villain, I wouldn’t make the mistake of talking too much and giving him the chance to escape my evil clutches. I’d just shoot him myself. Job done. Not much chance of sequels though.
Photo Credit: SuperiorRAW
So which movie character would you like to be? Are you a goodie or a baddie?

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