Maintaining a healthy glow isn’t always achieved through genetics, some of us have to really work at it. The following list of 7 vitamins that are good for the skin are available in most stores and sometimes they are even combined into a single pill. Research on the effects certain vitamins have on the skin can be found all over the net. Here’s a quick list to save you some time in trying to look up each type of vitamin. I’ve also provided some foods that contain each vitamin as well.
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Vitamin K
Photo Credit: Dan Rubin
Vitamin K has a lot to offer, both as an internal supplement and as a topical ointment. Internally, vitamin K can’t do much for skin. However, when it is added to skin creams, it is an excellent remedy for circles that form under the eyes. It also helps reduce the sign of bruising on the skin too. Foods with vitamin K in them include kale, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, and most leafy greens. Since vitamin K taken internally doesn’t help skin that much, then it’s best to look for creams that have vitamin K added to them.
Vitamin E
Photo Credit: cinefil_
At least 400mg of vitamin E should be consumed to help reduce the signs of aging, which is often caused by the sun. Wrinkles and cell damage can occur from pollution and daily exposure to just about any environment. Vitamin E also helps to improve the texture of the skin and make it suppler. Almonds, avocadoes, hazelnuts, peanut butter, spinach, and sweet potatoes are all foods containing vitamin E.
Vitamin D
Photo Credit: Valentina Vitols
Everyone should know by now that prolonged sun exposure increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Vitamin D reduces skin cancer by telling cancerous cells to stop reproducing. Bones are the part of the body that benefits the most from vitamin D, but it is still good for the skin too. Foods that have large amounts of this vitamin include; mushrooms, fatty fish, eggs, and beef liver. Milk and most cereals are usually fortified with vitamin D.
Vitamin C
Photo Credit: Voetmann
This vitamin is another one that fights against skin cancer. Vitamin C is available in a topical form that can be applied directly to skin for protection against the sun’s harmful rays. The supplemental form of vitamin C can be taken internally to speed up the healing of sunburns as well. Fresh citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. Broccoli, peppers, papaya, mango, and even potatoes are some other examples of foods where you can get vitamin C from.
Vitamin a
Photo Credit: *hb19 (R.I.P.)
People who are lacking vitamin A tend to have flaky skin and dry. Vitamin A helps control acne, gives some relief of psoriasis, and reduces lines and wrinkles. As long as you eat a proper diet, you should have plenty of vitamin A in your system and not require a supplement for it. Foods where vitamin A is found in large quantities are eggs, butter, whole milk, and cod liver oil.
Beta Carotene
Photo Credit: jkatze3
This vitamin builds up in the skin and protects against inflammation that occurs from sunburn. When beta carotene combines with vitamin E, they both help the skin to not be so sensitive to sunlight. By eating an equivalent to one and a half cups of cooked carrots each day, you can help protect your skin against sun damage. Other foods that contain beta carotene include; watermelon, broccoli, sweet potatoes, papaya, and tomatoes.
Photo Credit: ms.realness
As a basis for skin cells, biotin is the most important B vitamin that a person can take. It is often included in a vitamin B complex. The most common sign noticed when there is a lack of biotin in the system is scaly skin that is also very itchy. Hair loss can also occur. Rice, bananas, eggs and oatmeal are all sources of biotin. I prefer to take a supplement that contains biotin and all the other B vitamins too, just to make sure I get plenty.
I often find it much easier to take a supplement that provides me with the right amount of vitamins my body needs to stay healthy. There’s only so much your body can absorb, so don’t try to take more than the recommended dosage. Have you noticed that your skin reacts to a lack of specific vitamins? Do you try to give your diet a boost or take a supplement to help your skin?
Top Photo Credit: Dre007
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