7 Tips on Staying Fit during Pregnancy ...


7 Tips on Staying Fit during Pregnancy ...
7 Tips on Staying Fit during Pregnancy ...

Being able to keep from gaining tons of weight during pregnancy is a goal of many women, but it can be very difficult to do. The old saying about eating for two has gotten many women in trouble over the years. In truth, you aren’t eating for two; you are simply sharing nutrients. Everything you eat gets digested and then passed on to the baby. It isn’t as if half of your sandwich is going to your stomach and the other half is going to your baby’s stomach. I hope these 7 tips on staying fit during pregnancy are ones you can put to good use!

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Drink Lots of Water

The body needs lots of water to flush toxins out successfully. This becomes even more important when there is another little being sharing your body. When you become pregnant this means there are two beings sending toxins and wastes through the same system. Drinking plenty of water will also help you to prevent urinary tract infections and constipation. It will also keep the nutrients flowing freely to the baby.


Monitor Body Weight

It can be very difficult to know if you are gaining actual weight or if you just feel like you are. I remember days where I felt like I was going to burst, but I hadn’t gained any additional weight. Women who are trying to monitor their weight might have the urge to cut back on a meal because they feel they are gaining too much weight, when they really aren’t. Depriving yourself of food during pregnancy is never a good idea.

Frequently asked questions



Swimming Photo Credit: Cuba Gallery - Now on Twitter!

This is an excellent exercise for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. It’s also a great way to reduce stress on the body. The additional weight gained when you are expecting can put a lot of strain on knees, ankles, feet, and multiple areas of your back. Swimming allows you to alleviate a lot of that physical stress by giving the body a break from hauling all that extra weight around. I loved just floating in the pool from time to time when I was pregnant. What a comfortable feeling!


Vitamin Supplements

Taking pre-natal vitamins is recommended by just about all doctors who have patients who are pregnant. Many people get plenty of vitamins and nutrients from a regular diet, but pregnant women are sharing these nutrients with the baby as well. Extra calcium is a good example, since this is necessary for proper bone development in the baby. Women often find that they end up with their very first cavity when they have a baby.


Eating Healthy

Proper development of your baby begins when you are healthy as well. Make sure to have the correct number of servings. A common daily schedule might include 6 to 11 servings of grain, 3 to 4 servings of dairy, 4 to 6 servings of veggies and fruits, and 80 to 100 grams of protein. Try to avoid lots of junk food, fast food and quick meals filled with empty calories. Eating a balanced diet will also help you to feel your best and maintain the energy you need to get through the day.

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This is one of the least strenuous exercises possible during pregnancy. Even if you can only get out and walk for about 15 to 20 minutes each evening, this is better than nothing at all. Of course, it might be a good idea to talk it over with your doctor if you aren’t one for being physically active. It’s also better to begin walking before you become pregnant and slowly work up to doing this regularly so that the sudden activity won’t be such a shock to your system.



Yoga Photo Credit: Venkatesh K

It’s amazing at how modified yoga poses can be. There are types of yoga that can also be continued after a woman has given birth. Poses where the baby is actually held and becomes a part of the pose have been incorporated into many different yoga styles. Yoga is a great exercise for building strength and maintaining a fit lifestyle with out a lot of strain.

Whether you are thinking about becoming pregnant, about to have your very first child, or close to giving birth to your third, I hope these 7 tips on staying fit during pregnancy are helpful ones. Have you come across a fitness tip that was very helpful to you during a past pregnancy? Feel free to share some ideas on ways to stay fit that others have passed on as well.

Top Photo Credit: Flying House Studios

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