The world can't be all sunshine and roses, especially when everyone is a critic of some type. If you ask for someone's opinion or feedback on a particular job you've done, then you're bound to run into some comments you don't like. Positive comments are always nice to have, but there are other times when criticism is necessary. Here are 7 tips on handling critics that you might come across in your lifetime, no matter what line of work you are in.
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7. Don’t Take Everything They Say to Heart
It’s best to use what you can and completely ignore the rest. Some comments might seem even hurtful. Try not to let the overly negative comments hurt your feelings. This is a good time to be very careful to respond to the statement made and not to the person making the comment. The critic might be having a bad day and this will often come through in a very unprofessional manner.
6. Ask for Tips on Possible Changes if None Are Provided in the Criticism
Some people criticize another person’s work just to be critical and not helpful. If this is the case in the feedback you receive, then ask for ideas on how you might make improvements to whatever the critic found fault with in your work. Remember that insults are not criticism. If you ask for useful tips on how you can make something better and only get negative comments in return, then this critic isn’t being very helpful at all. It might be best to simply ignore this person’s criticism.
5. Remember That Most Critics Have No Personal Attachment to Your Work
You are the one who has worked hard to reach your goal and it’s you who will benefit the most from all you’ve done. Criticism from people who have nothing to gain from your achievements is merely feedback for you to do with what you wish.
4. Words Used for Providing Feedback to You May Not Mean All That You Are Reading into Them
If you come across a comment that seems rather harsh, make sure you read it at least a couple more times. There are small words that are sometimes over looked and these little words alter the feeling behind a comment. I’ve read some comments and thought ‘How rude!’, but then re-read the same comment and realized I had misread it originally and that there truly was no malice intended by the comment.
3. Be Willing to Accept Criticism for Something That You’ve Been Proven Wrong on
There just might come a time when a critic will offer criticism that shows your facts have been disproven. If the facts used by the critic have validity, then acknowledge them and make changes accordingly. Sometimes being proven wrong about something is a great learning lesson.
2. You Have the Right to Disagree with a Critic’s Response
There is no rule that I've ever come across that states you have to agree whole-heartedly with a critic's response. However, if you disagree and decide to tell the critic that you disagree be prepared for a retort. You usually can't get by with a single response of 'I disagree with your comment'. More information must be included, as to why you don't agree with the criticism provided. Be prepared to back up any statements you make.
1. Don’t Argue in Circles
It’s better to treat your response as one that would be delivered in a debate. Gather your evidence to support your personal view and produce it for the critic. Most people don't make statements just to hear themselves talk, especially if there is a remote chance that someone will argue the statement being made. Make sure your argument is a valid one and you aren't simply going in circles with the critic.
As Malcolm X is quoted with saying: ‘If you have no critics, you’ll likely have no success’. I agree with this quote. I think that my 7 tips on handling critics should come in useful for those who are need those most of all. What tips do you have for dealing with critics?
Top Photo Credit: ●___CanDy Benny!?
Feedback Junction
Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge