7 Tips for Longer Lashes ...


7 Tips for Longer Lashes ...
7 Tips for Longer Lashes ...

We all want longer, fuller lashes, right? We know what we need to do (or not do) to keep our nails and hair long and healthy, but what can we do to keep our eyelashes looking long and lush? There’s quite a lot we can do, actually… here are 7 tips for longer lashes!

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Use a Strengthening Product

Check any of your favorite cosmetics websites (like Sephora) or even just your local drugstore (or drugstore.com) and you’ll see a range of new lash-strengthening serums. These are designed to be worn either under or instead of your mascara, and they’re designed to condition your lashes and keep them from falling out. Most are meant to be applied to your upper eyelid along your lash-line and swept across your lashes themselves.


Use a Gentle Eye Make-up Remover

In the past, I used plain soap and water to wash away my eye make-up each night, which was effective, but dried out my lashes and made them fall out. Now, I use a gentle, non-drying eye make-up remover, so gentle I can even use it when I have my contacts in, and I’ve noticed I don’t lose nearly as many lashes.


Don’t Scrub

You might be tempted to scrub your eye make-up away, but don’t. If you’re using a make-up remover, or even just warm water on a washcloth, you don’t need to scrub to get your eyeliner and mascara to come away from your lashes, and scrubbing can actually pull your lashes out. Eek!


Treat Problems Right Away

If you have eye irritation, or an eye infection, treat it immediately. A prolonged or worsening problem can lead to loss of lashes and (mush worse) loss of vision.


Replace Eye Make-up Often

As your eye make-up gets older, it tends to get dry and flaky. That means it’s DRY — and it will dry your lashes, too, which makes them brittle. Brittle lashes break and fall out easier. So replace your make-up as soon as you notice it getting dry, and never, ever add water to make it last longer. That encourages bacteria growth.


Skip the Mascara

Unless your mascara is formulated with extra conditioners, chances are, it will dry your lashes if you use it every day. So once in a while, give your lashes a break and skip the mascara.


Don’t Use False Lashes

False lashes must be applied with glue, and when you peel them off, you may notice a lot of your own lashes come out, too. Unless you need to, avoid using false lashes, or at least save them for special occasions only.

Those are 7 things you can do to help your lashes grow longer, stronger, and fuller. And who doesn’t want lusher lashes? Which of these tips do you already do, and do you think they help? Or do you have another tip to share?

Top Photo Credit: jilleatsapples

Feedback Junction

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Loved these tips! I have blond hair and my eyelashes are hardly noticeable. Even with mascara I find they're lacking the volume I want. Thanks for the tips : )

@Nejra Brkan, Please stop spamming - I am simply deleting all your comments.

Thanks Jennifer, all great tips. I do have one more to add if you don't mind. Apply vitamin E oil to your lashes after removing eye makeup. It's best to do it before bedtime to allow the oil to really soak in. What this does is moisturizes lashes and improves texture and thickness. It's simple and easy to do - that's why I love it and wanted to share it.

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