7 Reasons World of Warcraft Addictions Are Not Real ...

Aprille Oct 28, 2010

7 Reasons World of Warcraft Addictions Are Not Real ...
7 Reasons World of Warcraft Addictions Are Not Real ...

I’m sure you all heard of the game world of warcraft and many have fussed over their husbands playing too much of this game. Some people call it an addiction or the reason they got a divorce. Truth be told, it’s not an addiction to me and I’ll tell you why in this blog. Also, if you let this end your marriage, you’re looking for a way out or you’re not meant to be. Please read my blog on 7 Reasons World of Warcraft Addictions Are Not Real…

7. Wrong Meaning

Wrong Meaning Photo Credit: Ming - chun

Addiction is something you must take or intake into the human body. Yes, it’s a bit technical, but if you look it up, it very well means what I explained. You can of course change the word out with obsession, but it’s still a big difference.

6. Games Are Not Addicting

Games Are Not Addicting Photo Credit: king2009_12@yahoo.com

World of Warcraft is a MMO that you can play online.. If you think it’s becoming a problem and your over obsessing, stop paying the game? I know many people that play this game that say they take a time out of the game and come back in a few months.

5. Mostly over Reacting

Mostly over Reacting Photo Credit: XLeoparde

People that call this game addicting and want people to stop playing the game overact. They want to think it’s an addiction, but should blame themselves for not understanding why they like playing the game. Some people play this game to much they say, but isn’t it better then hitting the clubs and making a fuss with the law?

4. People Think Wow Gamers Are Dorks Living in Basements

People Think Wow Gamers Are Dorks Living in Basements Photo Credit: XLeoparde

Not all people that play this game live in basements. If they do, they need a shove or a kick to get them started in life. I know many people that play this game and still have lives.

3. Brakes up Relationships

Brakes up Relationships Photo Credit: XLeoparde

World of warcraft is a very fun game to play with or without your spouse. Many relationships say they have been destroyed over this game. I can laugh on this, because it’s a childish way to end a relationship. Ladies you can’t tell them to stop playing world of warcraft, because you want full attention from your man. However, like I said before men should know that it’s time to give time to their wives. If your relationship ends over the game, then it’s obvious the relationship needs to stop, because if you can’t work it out each other’s wants and needs it’s worth the break up.

2. It’s Not a Drug

It’s Not a Drug Photo Credit: XLeoparde

With drugs if you get caught buying them or selling them you go to jail. You don’t see people standing in the streets selling you world of warcraft accounts and going to jail for it. So, this isn’t an addiction. Only Drugs and Alcohol is considered a drug that could lead to an addiction.

1. You Don’t Go through Bad Withdraw

You Don’t Go through Bad Withdraw Photo Credit: Ming - chun

If you can’t go into withdraw over a video game. You can wish you can play it again, but you don’t need to go to rehab or go through other medicines to quit. With addictions such as heroine or crack, they give you little at a time to withdraw your addiction. You can quit cold turkey with games..

I surely can’t wait to hear all the stories my boyfriend is addicted to this game and I broke up over it. Well, if you broke up over this game, then it’s not meant to be. Does the man ever attack how much you use your cell phone? Or does he stop your shopping? Do you have a comment?

Top Photo Credit: king2009_12@yahoo.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Your number 5 is just retarded. "They want to think it's an addiction, but should blame themselves for not understanding why they like playing the game" Ok, NOBODY has trouble understanding that it's a game, and people playing games are having fun. It's when the person plays the game compulsively, that it becomes what they aren't doing every moment that they aren't sleeping, at the toilet, or at work/school (if they aren't playing hookey to play it) that it is an ADDICTION. "but isn't it better then hitting the clubs and making a fuss with the law?" - Seriously, what the hell. That is a horrible example.

Aprille, it's about time someone started to stand up for video games around here. Of course, we all knew Lisa was going to come in and voice her opinion on this one. Where there is a video game blog, you will find her .. ditching them, like a broken record. "but isn’t it better then hitting the clubs and making a fuss with the law?" I agree with Aprille on this one. Why is this retarded? Only a close minded person would not understand. Playing video games in the comfort of your own home is much better than going to STUPID parties and STUPID clubs where a lot of bad stuff happens. Kids/adults stay out of trouble by playing video games. You will argue that they need to be out playing/working and they do - during the day. However, when the sun sets, they go inside and play their games ... sometimes with their friends. You may picture gamers as loners sitting in basements, but really, they're social animals, thanks to Xbox live and online gaming. So, the next time something bad happens to one of you at a party - think, if you were at home playing a game at night, it would not of happened. Now, Lisa, you go do your little girly things in the wee of the night, while I play video games in the comfort of my own home, without having to worry.

An addiction includes psychological dependency as well, what you're calling up is the historical and outdated definition of addiction that was originally coined soley for psychoactive substance addiction. Guess what - the term addiction is used to describe a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity, despite harmful consequences, as deemed by the user himself to his individual health, mental state, or social life.

I have to agree with you Aprille, especially on of a couple of points. As a player, there was definitely a time when I played way too much and felt fairly compulsive about doing so. It was also a time when there was a lot of turmoil in my life. As I was able to manage my life better, my play time gradually tapered off to more like hobby. As far as being the anti social type in mom's basement, I am married ten years and a father of 3. And as far as my favorite hobby goes, I am at home in the evening playing after I put the kids to bed, not away from my family on the golf course or hanging with the boys at the bar, I can step away at any moment if someone needs me.

I would have to disagree with most points from personal experience. You sound like an addict in denial. Plus I would advice you to use a spell checker before posting next time.

However, they are considering putting it in the DSM V (the bible of mental health disorders, the 5th version is work-in-progress), not warcraft specifically, but gaming addiction in general. is there any evidence that it does not in fact change processes in the brain? What about reports where people committed suicide after hours of playing? it is certainly not pathological for many players but for some it might be. there could be underlying issues (social problems for example) that put them into a vicious circle where the escape into the WoW becomes the reason to get up in the morning.

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