When I post a World of Warcraft blog on the Internet, I am destined to get some girl telling me that she lost her husband to World of Warcraft – as if Wow is a demon. I know, some people do get too deep into it, but the game is not the one to blame. The person is the one to blame. I have a World of Warcraft website, but I’m not going to post it here. Lol. Right now, as much as I like World of Warcraft, I am going to kneel down and give you what you want. I am going to give you 7 reasons people hate Wow …
Snapshot Survey
7. It Can Ruin Lives
Photo Credit: king2009_12@yahoo.com
Do you know what? It’s true, but again, the people are the ones to blame, not the game. For example, I have read where children starved to death because their parents were too busy playing Wow. Those had to of been some really sick minds to of let their children starve over a game. They are the one’s to blame and I hope they got put in prison for life.
6. What is up with Those Dances
Photo Credit: Ming - chun
Okay, seriously, you can take out the dancing (/dance) in Wow and I will not complain at all. I never understood what was up with those bloody dances anyways.
5. Team Quests Are Not Fun
Photo Credit: king2009_12@yahoo.com
Joining up with people to play this game, no matter what you are doing can be extremely annoying. Besides, why would you want to join up and have a raid? Then you would have the raid constantly scheduling meetings you would have to attend. Stick to yourself or a family member and you will do much better. Anyhow, many hate the raid aspect of the game. Why is it annoying? Because you always have to base your game time on other people’s time.
4. Shallow Game
Photo Credit: thms.nl
While I do not believe this, I have heard people say they hate Wow simply because it is a shallow game. Take note: You can only agree to this if you have actually played the game yourself.
3. Repetitive
Photo Credit: XLeoparde
Some people have also said that it is a repetitive game. I think that if you continue forward with the quests and do some PvP, it’s not that repetitive. It all depends on what you do on the game. Now, if you sit there and constantly grind, then yes, it is repetitive.
2. Lots of Time
Photo Credit: XLeoparde
I will admit that it takes lots of time. However, you can spread that time out. You do not have to play every day. I actually go a month or two from Wow, then go back to it. I alternate between my games.
1. The Monthly Fee
Photo Credit: Rene Kleizen
Man, I hate the monthly fee you have to pay each month – it’s close to 15.00 a month. Do you know how much you spend on that in a year? Now take that and add up how much you pay for it in a period of 5 years. I know, it’s scary, right? But think – where else would that money go? To renting a movie? Fast Food? Who knows. At least you’re having fun with it, right?
There you have 7 reasons why people hate Wow. I know many of you hate it because it caused problems in your relationship and that is okay. If the game caused problems in the relationship, then you can hate it, but that will not solve the fact that World of Warcraft is still going strong and it will continue to go strong for a very long time. Sure, it may die sooner or later, then you will have another MMORPG coming along or Starcraft 2. But today, World of Warcraft has the world in its grasp and there is nothing to do about it. Therefore, the best thing for you to do would be to move on to a place you deserve and forget about your past life – just be happy now. Apart from it ruining your relationships and crappy game play, why do you hate it?
Top Photo Credit: Ming - chun
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