Babies today have it made! They have their own beds, chairs, bags, toys; the list is endless. This may sound funny, but so many new items have evolved since I was a baby I can only imagine what it was like when my grandparents were babies. Try to think of cloth diapers, and you will feel doubly blessed! So what are the best accessories for today’s modern baby? Keep reading to find out!
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A Pacifier Clip
Photo Credit: BareBebe
There is nothing worse than you baby's binky hitting the floor of the doctor’s office or even worse, Wal-Mart! Ugh! Keep it safe from germs and clip it right to his shirt. Don’t let him sleep with the clip though!
Baby Mitts
Photo Credit: k e e l y
Baby's love to get active with those cute little hands, but it can wreak havoc on their faces! Save them from scratches and snips with these little mitts. Once they gain control of their movements, the mitts are no longer needed.
Infant Stroller
Nothing is better for getting a new mommy back into shape than basic walking. Infant strollers allow you to do this with ease and recline back more than other strollers making it easier to lay a newborn in.
Baby Carrier
These make wonderful, easy trips to the store. Baby is close to you, and you don't have to worry about the car seat taking up so much space in the buggy.
Photo Credit: BecomingSarah
Infants love movement and music. You will find a lot of bouncers that offer both. (These especially come in handy when you want a nice relaxing bath!)
Photo Credit: keribeth
Whether you are nursing or bottle-feeding, there is nothing more comfortable to feed on than a Boppy pillow. Plus, they double up as a nice support for your baby.
Photo Credit: evrimgallery
I know, I know, not an accessory, but definitely a necessity! Never leave home without it! You never know when a Kodak moment will present itself!
Now, what have I left off my list of must have baby items? What do you use that makes life easier for yourself and of course, your baby?
Top Photo Credit: scrapbooking_photo
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