7 Tips for Getting Back in the Mood after a Pregnancy ...


7 Tips for Getting Back in the Mood after a Pregnancy ...
7 Tips for Getting Back in the Mood after a Pregnancy ...

Having a baby takes a lot out of any woman, no matter how much of a Super Mom she wants to be. It's always exciting to bring home a new baby and be completely enthralled around this tiny being. When you're wrapped up with caring for an infant, it's easy to forget the sex life you used to have. Usually your other half hasn't forgotten though! Here are 7 tips for getting back in the mood after a pregnancy.

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Take Time for Yourself

For being as tiny as they are, newborns can really wear a person out. They are very demanding and you can only do so much without completely wearing yourself down. Take some time to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet for yourself. Hire a babysitter you trust, so that you won't worry the entire time you are out and about. Even if all you do is take a couple of hours and sit out in the sunshine and sip some lemonade, take the occasional break to revive yourself.


Involve Your Partner in Care of the New Baby

There's no reason you should feel that you have to take care of the baby all on your own. You didn't make this tiny being on your own, did you? Include your honey in caring for the baby so that you don't feel so separated from one another. The baby should bring you two together closer, not drive you apart. Enjoy snuggling in bed with baby in the middle and whisper to one another. It's a great way to connect without missing out on baby-time.

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Find Ways to Relax

Take a nap when the baby does, so you're well-rested later on. Get a sitter and go for a stroll around the block a couple of times or get one of those fancy strollers made especially for jogging and take baby with you. Enjoy a bubble bath after the baby is in bed so you will be nice and relaxed for your honey later on.


Start Exercising

It's amazing at how much of a difference you will notice in your energy level once you start exercising. Not only will there be a boost in your level of energy, but you will also feel better. It's easier to get in the mood when you feel good about yourself.


Take a Day at the Spa

A little pampering never hurts! If you've never taken a day and gone to a spa, then you should really try it once. You will feel like an entirely new person. You'll be energized, refreshed, and ready to spend some time showing off your newly pampered self to your loved one.

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Go on a Date with Your Honey

Sometimes you just need to spend time with your loved one; just the two of you. Go out on a date and have some fun. Eat some dinner, go bowling, see a movie, or whatever makes you both happy.


Buy Something Sexy to Wear

You don't have to go out and purchase a lacy negligee or anything that extreme. A new sun dress might be just what you need. Maybe you just want something to make you feel sexy, such as a new pair of fancy underwear. Splurge a bit. You deserve it!

Hopefully these 7 tips for getting back in the mood after a pregnancy will help you find a way that works for you. Do you have any other suggestions that new mothers might be able to use?

Top Photo Credit: abbie.

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